When asked whether it is easier for Ben & Jerry's than for other brands in this era of transparency and direct communication, because these values have been embedded in the strategy and operation from the start, Stephan denies it. "It is not easier for us. Yes, it is nice that we have a clear message, but it can also work against you, such as with the marriage equality positions. That really does not go down well in certain cultures. We always engage in conversation and do not ignore anything. Or fans answer each other themselves and I like that - let people talk to each other."
That brings the conversation to the art of choosing words. What do you type when it comes down to it on your smartphone in response to people with the strategy, stories and positions in your head? “A lot of people don’t think carefully. What does that person actually want to say? That is often not immediately apparent in the literal words. Usually it is a few sentences and you have to think carefully about that. What would you like as an answer, which is also authentic? That does not always happen with other brands. You do not taste the sentiment. And that empathy combined with honesty is perhaps the secret behind our online success.”
Do you know how your online activities influence ice cream sales?
“We use KPIs, but on topics that we find important. So hungary phone data we look at the interaction on posts about fair trade, animal welfare and social issues. UvA students have investigated why so few people respond to our socially responsible messages. And why is that? Fans think it is super cool to read, but not cool enough to comment, like or share. So for the reach of such messages, the simple learning is that you have to advertise with that. Because we do think it is important to tell and that is what we are judged on.
What we also know now is that there is a significantly higher willingness to buy among people who know more about our background, for example fair trade ingredients and sustainable dairy. If you tell that story, people not only find it nice to hear. By knowing more about your product, people make a more conscious purchasing decision in the store. So everything we do contributes to that.”
What else do you want to achieve with webcare?
“That we can demonstrate even better that online and social contribute to a purchase. I firmly believe in that. People remember much more than you think and purchases are largely unconscious. All purchasing and marketing psychologists have known that for a long time.