Google is not taking it into account at the moment, but according to some specialized sites, at the beginning of 2021 it will begin to evaluate Core Web Vitals as a web positioning factor . In this article we want to explain what it is about and why it is relevant for your SEO.
What are Core Web Vitals?
Core Web Vitals are a set of specific gambling data russia factors that Google considers important to the overall user experience of a website . Core Web Vitals are comprised of three specific measures of page speed and user interaction: content rendering, first input load delay, and layout design changes.
In short, Core Web Vitals are a subset of factors that will form part of your “page experience” score for Google (basically, how Google evaluates the overall user experience of your website).
core web vitals
Core Web Vitals
What metrics should we look at for Core Web Vitals?
From Google, Core Web Vitals evaluate the user experience on a website, as we have said, from three criteria. These measure the time in which a user can start interacting with the web page they visit. The Core Web Vitals are three: LCP, FID and CLS.
LCP: Largest Contenful Paint is the metric that marks the loading speed perceived by the user. In other words, LCP tells us how long it takes for a website to load significantly for the user. Specifically, LCP tells us how long it takes for the largest element in the viewport to load and render.
FID: First Input Delay is the metric that measures the minimum time in which a user can interact with the website. The faster the FID, the better the user experience when visiting the website.
CLS: Cumulative Layout Shift is the metric obtained by adding up the cumulative loading time of all unexpected layout changes. In other words, this metric tells us when unexpected changes in the web design stop occurring.
Core Web Vitals Values
Core Web Vitals Values
Core Web Vitals: The Ideal Values to Monitor
Ideal values may change as web development progresses and data transfer speeds increase, but the following is currently considered optimal:

LCP: Ideally, the LCP should be below 2.5 seconds. Below 4.0 seconds is considered to require improvement and above is considered a poor result.
FID: Ideally, this metric should be below 100ms. Below 300ms it is considered to need improvement and above it is considered a bad result.
CLS: This metric should be below 0.1. Below 0.25 it is considered that improvement is needed and above it is considered a bad result.
Why are Web Building Blocks Important?
Google plans to make page experience an official Google ranking factor .
The page experience will be a mix of factors that Google considers important for user experience, including:
Mobile Device Compatibility
Lack of interstitial pop-ups
“Safe browsing” (basically, not having malware on your website)
So, the fundamental elements of the website will be a very important part of that score.
In fact, judging by the announcement and the name itself, it's fair to say that the core elements of the website will make up the bulk of the page experience score.
It's important to note that a great website experience score won't magically get you to the number one spot in Google's search results. In fact, Google was quick to point out that page experience is one of several (roughly 200) factors they use to rank sites in search. Well Google, that's fine.
If you want to track your website’s Core Web Vitals, simply go to Google Search Console and look at the “Improvements” section.
Now it's your turn
If there is one thing that the world of SEO and search engine positioning has going for it, it is that it is constantly changing. Google will probably begin to consider the fundamental elements of the web in 2021, although it has said that it will make the announcement 6 months in advance. It is highly recommended that you keep it on your radar and start implementing the improvements now.