Miscellany: Some strong commercial ideas

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Miscellany: Some strong commercial ideas

Post by ayshakhatun663 »

Professor of Business Decision Evaluation at the University of the Pacific

On a few different topics, but certainly relevant:

About positioning:

Just as positioning is about top of mind , we bc data vietnam could invent a new term called “corazonamiento”, which implies top of heart . The brands that don’t have it so bad are those that have these two characteristics.
Positioning: Relevance to the consumer and sustainability over time.
Positioning by benefits is better than by attributes.
A brand differentiator, a new attribute, must be identified. If someone has already occupied it, do not even try to address it.
The commercial context is a brand system:
Brands sell us lifestyles.
People build their identity through consumption.
The brand must become news.
About segmentation:


Segmentation: Divide and conquer. The target audience will be more defined and more reachable and manageable.
Each social stratum has a different lifestyle.
Income levels plus culture result in lifestyles and strata.
Social classes: Power, prestige and wealth. They have or they don't have.
Habit = Economic capital + Cultural capital. And this leads to tastes.
NSE reflects certain tastes and age is very important for these.
Combining approaches: Those who can (SES) and those who want (lifestyle).
About price:

People buy on value, not price.
The price must be raised every time the value increases:
Price = Cost + utility.
Value = Price + buyer's subjective benefit (BSC).
BSC should >=0 for us to be able to raise the price.
Raising the price by 1% has a much greater impact on net profits than lowering all costs (fixed and variable) by 1%. If your product or service is well valued, small, gradual (imperceptible) increases are beneficial. We always, by default , want to lower costs and prices; but what if we lower costs and raise prices every time we are providing a lot of value to the customer? We must always measure the value we give to the change in the price paid.
About communication:

The message must be credible and sustainable over time.
It should be kept simple, concrete and specific.
Seven words at most, since people only spend 8% of their daily time thinking.
The message must be communicated constantly for years.
Three basic pillars for achieving a suitable ad: title, photo and brand.
The clarity and coherence of the piece must be ensured.
People do not accept ideas that go against their values ​​and beliefs.
The worst enemy of consumption is media saturation.
Advertisers and marketing managers are still cautious in Peru.
Traditional advertising is becoming less and less important in the marketing mix.
About the consumer:

He's your boss.
Human beings want to simplify their lives, they don't want to always buy, they are not a wallet.
Marketing has always been relational. Relational Marketing is seen as something new and cutting-edge when it has always been used: Think of the “curtain-keeper” who came to your house when you were little (his notebook is an early model of CRM).
Decisions are emotional.
It is a must to regularly talk one-on-one with customers. Important, unsuspected information and relevant improvements to the product or service will emerge from them.
The experience should be greater in quality and quantity, to the extent that the product or service is more expensive.
Avoid self-reference, a common mistake that makes us believe that consumers think like us.
The answers are in the consumer. That is the focus.
Understanding what consumers value and what competitors offer is crucial.
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