Email and networking strategies for entrepreneur communities

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Email and networking strategies for entrepreneur communities

Post by rabia198 »

In the world of entrepreneurship, there is fierce competition to create innovative ecosystems and communities where so-called “ entrepreneurs ” can truly transform an idea into a real project.

An integral part of the solidification of these communities is the online marketing and communication that we experience today. Emprendedores Anónimos (EEAA) was born in response to this need , a multinational organization that was born in Chile and that today has a large network of entrepreneurs, mentors and investors seeking to promote entrepreneurship in Latin America.

At Mittum, we had the opportunity to kenya business email list nterview Rodrigo Campillo , national coordinator for EEAA Mexico . He gave us his views on the topic of entrepreneurs, startups, and how to leverage email and social media for the integration of entrepreneurs.


A: Tell us a little about what your organization does, what it does and your current role within it.

A: Yes, of course. My role within the organization is that of National Coordinator, and my job is to bring together entrepreneurs of all kinds, whether first-timers or experienced, every month to talk about our problems related to entrepreneurship and find solutions among ourselves and share our failures to learn from them. What we do during the sessions is to do group therapy in which we help ourselves improve as people and in our ventures. We seek collaboration, community and networking.

A: In your opinion, how important are digital media and communication strategies for entrepreneurs today?

A: They are essential. We only operate through social media, and that is how I found out about this group, and that is how it is becoming known. We announce and promote our sessions through this medium and it has reached thousands of people throughout Latin America. It is this connection that allows for greater interaction between entrepreneurs, which leads them to have a greater knowledge of what they are facing, and reduces the chances of failure when starting out.

The importance of mailing in an e-Government strategy
Another great strategy is email marketing, since with the database we have, we activate campaigns and newsletters to re-activate the participation of the same attendees in the different events and programs we have.

Example of an email to the EEAA entrepreneur database, following attendance at a session.
Example of an email to the EEAA entrepreneur database, following attendance at a session.

A: How have you leveraged email marketing, social media, digital marketing, and other tools to boost entrepreneurship in Mexico?

A: By spreading information and sharing it, I think that is the essence of wanting to make known what you do, what you like or what can be useful to entrepreneurs. Nowadays there is a lot of valuable information that we don't know exists but by spreading the word it reaches us, so we can use it and share it. It is also an excellent form of communication.

A: How can you measure the impact of digital marketing on an organization like Emprendedores Anónimos?

A: With the people who join our groups and the information they share, the messages and how many people check out our posts. All of that is our return on investment and is part of what keeps EEAA fresh and alive, growing in various corners of Latin America.

A: What other strategies do you use in conjunction with digital marketing to promote your cause and organization?

A: In addition to digital marketing, only word of mouth. I think that those are the most important ones right now in terms of what our organization requires. But I don't rule out the possibility of adopting other strategies and means in the future.
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