Storytelling and video a powerful combination

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Storytelling and video a powerful combination

Post by arzina221 »

There is one or more characters that the viewer or reader can identify with (this can be a person, animal or even an object; do not automatically choose the most obvious character);
There is a specific setting (time and place) in which the story takes place;
Often there is a conflict that drives the action. The main character must overcome an obstacle;
There is a plot : things happen in the story that lead somewhere, there is development;
Stories often refer to universal themes that viewers or readers can relate to, such as fear, pride, passion, happiness, love, etc.

What role can video storytelling play as a carrier of organizational stories? In my opinion, a very strong one. After all, video is about seeing and hearing (read more about video and when to use it in this Frankwatching article ). People like to watch other people. For that reason, video makes it easy for viewers to identify with characters, provided that the story in the video is told according to the principles of storytelling, of course.

In addition, video is a very suitable vehicle to convey experiences, atmospheres and feelings. In that sense, you can say that the elements of storytelling are the success factors for appealing videos. Storytelling and appealing videos are closely linked.

The practice
How can you use video storytelling to tell the story of your company, brand, product or service? First of all, this requires a lot of creativity and imagination. Think about what the visual points of contact are to be able to tell the story in images. Then investigate how you can use the narrative elements of storytelling to make it a senegal phone data good story. A very successful example of a corporate video, in which the principles of storytelling are used, is the story of Johnnie Walker, The Man Who Walked Around The World:

The following example shows that you can even turn an invisible thing into a character that you as a viewer can identify with:

As a final example of the successful use of storytelling, below you can see the film 'Pulse', which tells the story of the special app called 'BioBeats' for the iPhone:

Videos in which storytelling is applied are all videos that do not leave you unmoved as a viewer. And that makes video storytelling a very suitable way to tell organizational stories. Stories with which you create involvement of your (potential) customers.
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