Why video should be part of your LinkedIn strategy

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Why video should be part of your LinkedIn strategy

Post by emailnumberlist554 »

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LinkedIn is constantly growing its reputation as a social media platform. What started as a professional networking site is now a veritable brand-building platform where individuals and companies can run their content engines.

While long-form written content is popular on the platform, adding visuals to your posts can directly increase engagement. And that includes video content.

Now that LinkedIn has widely released its immersive video feed on mobile, there are more ways than ever to introduce video into your LinkedIn content strategy.


In this article we’ll help you familiarize yourself with LinkedIn’s video features with a focus on the new short-form video feed. Here’s what’s inside:

Types of LinkedIn video
How the LinkedIn video feed works
How to upload video to the feed
LinkedIn video specs
Best practices for getting views on the LinkedIn video feed
Let’s get started!

Types of LinkedIn Video
There are a few different types of LinkedIn video:

Live video: Users can “go live” on the platform, but you do need a broadcasting tool to do so. Only eligible users can use live features.
Organic video: You can upload video clips or record a video with your mobile phone right in the app. Once you do, you can post them on your feed.
Video ads: Videos can be crucial parts of ad campaigns, which businesses pay to promote across LinkedIn.
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