A multiplatform utility
An app is a logical form for a branded utility, because the customer almost always has his smartphone with him. At the same time, we see that the customer uses his laptop, tablet or PC in addition to his smartphone. Whereby he wants to continue his activities everywhere, regardless of the device he uses, and does not want to start all over again. Developing a multiplatform branded utility therefore offers a good opportunity to distinguish yourself in the market.
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The American company Nest goes a step further than Eneco. Through sensors, the thermostat automatically adjusts when you leave the house. The thermostat and data are also accessible on multiple platforms.
Why are branded utilities interesting now?
Branded utilities are not new. But driven by digital technology, there are more opportunities to develop additional digital services. Think of linking products to the internet, which makes more and more (personal) data available. The insights from that data can be translated into special personalized services.
The digital service that the branded utility offers builds up even more knowledge about the customer's behavior. Feeding that knowledge back to the customer creates a lock-in. After all, if you were to use another product, you would lose all that knowledge in one go. Especially if the customer has entered data themselves, this certainly represents great value and a bond with the product.
An example is the Philips Avent app, which allows you to monitor your child's nutrition and development.
A branded utility can connect the off- & online world. It offers the possibility for an online presence without a direct link to online sales. Because a branded utility is, as it were, a digital layer over the current use of your product or service, you can collect valuable data from your customer. It also strengthens your brand and therefore indirectly stimulates sales for offline parties as well. For example, think of a link from an online service that generates traffic to your offline store. Or a service that contributes to brand experience and appreciation to such an extent that a customer will always pick up your product on the shelf.
The app that IKEA is now testing in Canada turkey phone data makes shopping easier by showing what is on sale, what the stock of each product is and where in the store the product can be found.
Points of attention when developing a branded utility
Develop a branded utility from the function of your product or service. Ask the question: 'how can I help the customer make his life easier?'. Take the customer journey as a guideline, to gain insight into possible needs of the customer.
Make sure that the service you develop is aimed at the user coming back regularly. Also make sure that you feed back the data you collect and provide insight into the behavior.
Don't lose sight of the goal. Make sure that a branded utility always contributes (indirectly) to sales.
Linking the branded utility to multiple platforms strengthens the brand experience and ensures an optimal customer experience.
Of course, creating a well-thought-out branded utility requires a considerable investment in time and money. But the threshold is getting lower and lower. And the ROI can be very high right now, especially if you are the first (the first-mover advantag.