In a year and a half, the services are viewed several dozen times
In a year and a half, the services are viewed several dozen times
The way to ensure that more of your customers and prospects view these products or services is to use your satisfied customers. With each product and service, there is a link where you can ask these happy customers for a favor: Ask for recommendations .
Ask for recommendations
It is possible that, even if you are the administrator of your company page, this function is not visible. The solution for this is to link your business email address (belonging to the organization of the company page) to your personal account. LinkedIn explains how to do this here . Then the function is visible and you can use it:
You will immediately receive a text proposal from LinkedIn. Do not use this standard text, it makes it very impersonal and… standard! Use your own words to ask your satisfied customer for a recommendation. Also adjust the subject.
It is possible to send this message to multiple sweden phone data people at once. It is better not to do that. It is impersonal and the chance that someone will take action based on a generic email is much smaller. Take the time to send this message to your satisfied customers one by one, personalized.
The results
We tried this for some of our own services. Within a few days we got multiple recommendations and the number of page views of the services quickly increased to 1500-2000.
Result recommendationsHow is it possible that so many page views have arisen? This is a result of the viral effect: satisfied customers place a recommendation for the service, after which the connections of these people see this on their timeline in the form of an (automatic) status update:
Status Update: Connection has been recommended
This way you ensure that the connections of your (satisfied) customers can see directly which products or services they have purchased and recommended. This way you ensure a fast and efficient deployment of your ambassadors.
Don't just keep it within LinkedIn
Within LinkedIn, the recommendations look professional. However, LinkedIn also offers the possibility to highlight the number of recommendations.