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The unhappy customer

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:54 am
by arzina221
Not everyone will be positive. There are users who are dissatisfied with the way things are going at some organizations and use social media to share this negative experience with their followers. As an organization, ensure good webcare and monitor the various platforms. When people ask questions, respond to them. And make sure you do this within a certain time. Because 42 percent of consumers expect an answer within 1 hour if they have contacted the organization in question via social media.

5. The ranter
In addition to the unhappy customer , the ranter is also a type that expresses himself negatively online. This social media user is often not a customer and has a strong opinion about personal matters. The most important tip given by the creators of the visualization is to keep a cool head and avoid communication from this type of user if the statements are not related to your company. If you do find yourself in a certain situation: count to 10!

6. The cheerleader
The cheerleader is an enthusiastic fan with a lot of passion for your brand, product or service. They like, comment and share your messages, often via their smartphone or tablet. These big fans spread your message in their network like no other. So make optimal use of these social media users, involve them in campaigns and let them paraguay phone data know that you appreciate their efforts.

7. The loyal fan
The loyal fan is, as the name suggests, loyal to your brand and likes to share his experiences with his network, both off- and online. They are so loyal that they defend their favorite brand against users who are not fans. You can call them the ambassadors of your company. As an organization, it is important to find these fans and use their positive experiences in your marketing or communication activities. For example, ask them to share experiences via your channels, such as your website. And of course, reward them for their loyal service and show that you appreciate their efforts.

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7 Types of Social Media Fans – How to Communicate with Them [Infographic]

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