6. Social value
Earlier in this article, the KPI assisted conversions was already mentioned. However, Google Analytics offers a more extensive report on social data, namely the Social Value . This metric is most valuable if you have linked financial values to your website goals. You can see at a glance the impact of your visits from social channels, both indirect ( assisted or contributed) conversions and direct achieved goals.
Google Analytics - Social Value
This mini dashboard is extremely useful to directly analyze the impact of social media: go for a larger filling of the outer circle if you want to take social media marketing as a spearhead. You can find this statistic under 'Traffic Sources > Social > Overview' in your Google Analytics account.
Social media KPIs are widely available on Facebook and Twitter also offers us a lot of insight into the performance of accounts, tweets and conversations. For B2B marketers, however, LinkedIn is often one of the most important tools in the online marketing mix. On the largest business network in the world, campaigns such as Facebook are often neglected due to high costs and the fact that business contacts are much less active in profiling themselves than they would be in a personal capacity. However, business-to-business marketing on LinkedIn is not rocket science. I have previously written about the value of Product & Services recommendations . It takes you a few minutes every now and then to get it going. However, the recommendations of your satisfied new zealand phone data customers provide a lot of visibility in second and third degree networks.
LinkedIn Products & Services Virality Recommendations
Above the list of your products or services you will see important B2B KPIs mentioned: views and engagement.
These two variables represent the following:
Impressions : The number of times recommendations for your product or service were viewed by LinkedIn members, usually connections of those who made the recommendation.
Engagement : the number of times an action was taken by a LinkedIn member based on the impressions . This could be a click to your product or service, a like (' interesting' ), a reaction or sharing the message. In the latter case, even more people will see your product or service within LinkedIn.
In the screenshot above you see the same variables under the description of the service. If you are an administrator of the LinkedIn company page you see this data per product. This way you know immediately which product or service has achieved the most views and the highest engagement. These two LinkedIn KPIs are very valuable and can be actively monitored and managed by any organization (B2B, but also B2C or non-profit).