As we have already mentioned on countless occasions, capturing the attention of our subscribers at the moment we impact them with an Email Marketing campaign is a challenge that experts in the digital sector face day after day. However, despite how difficult it may be (which, mind you, we do not doubt), it is true that, today, there are some copywriting techniques specialized in capturing the audience's attention and getting the user to pay more attention to our content, through something as simple - but at the same time as complicated - as the way of writing messages.
But let's start at the beginning: what is copywriting?
Copywriting is a writing technique that seeks to influence users in a subtle way, through juicy and attractive texts where, at all times, the exact words that the recipient wants to hear are used. In this way, it is much easier to incite the recipient to carry out a certain action.
In short, it is an advertising writing technique that seeks to promote the products or services of companies in order to boost their sales. And, in this sense, it can be applied not only to advertising spaces or television spots, but to much more. For example, to the texts of our emails.
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Different copywriting techniques
Copywriting method: AIDA
Copywriting method: PAS
Copywriting method: FAB
Different copywriting techniques
Copywriting method: AIDA
Talking about the AIDA method is referring to one of the oldest and most widely used copywriting techniques in marketing campaigns, thanks to its high level of success.
Literally, the AIDA method is composed of the acronyms of the words (in order): Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. AIDA
Let's look at an example: let's imagine that we have just launched a new household cleaning product, unknown on the market until now, and we mali business email list want to start boosting its sales. Good. Perhaps the AIDA method can help us present our new product in a simple but practical way, with short-term results.
#ctaText??# 3 types of writing that can be used when sending your newsletter
How to use the AIDA method in this case?
Attention (A): We know that, with the arrival of summer (which is just around the corner), you love inviting all those friends - with their respective children - to eat and have snacks at home, right? But... How much do you hate having to clean all the dishes and utensils, hours later, and clean and clean until everything is as good as new?
Interest (I): We know it's a constant war that you face every weekend when meals go on and on until late at night.
Wish (D): But what if I told you that, like any good, intelligent person, you should forget about those moments, once and for all? At XX we have just discovered the secret that will save you all the effort of cleaning, so that every weekend you can invite your friends to your garden at home. Because no more wasting time cleaning!
Action (A): And if you still don't believe me, click here and get a free sample so that, the next time you come, you don't doubt for a second that the YY product is the solution to your weekends!
Copywriting method: PAS
According to marketing mentor and expert Dan Kennedy , the PAS method is one of the most reliable sales formulas ever invented. It refers to the initials (P) Problem , (A) Agitator and S (Solution) – Solve: PAS
The way to use these techniques in your email marketing content could be the following: first, you must identify the real problem of the audience that the product or service you are trying to market will solve and, once defined, you must try to "stir up" that problem by making the audience understand the existence of the problem and how their day-to-day experience would improve if they did without it. Once done, we offer them the solution: we will solve our audience's problem with our product.
The positive things we can learn from using Email Marketing in a crisis
Applied to the example we saw earlier, it could be as simple as initially presenting the problem of cleaning the utensils that are used when we have family meals on weekends (yes, those endless -literally and metaphorically speaking- weekends). The problem that we then present is that when all our guests are at home, settling in to end the weekend, you still have to clean everything consumed and used during the day. Wouldn't you rather take a relaxing bath and forget about everything else? Well, now, with our YY product you can do it. And you only have to click here, to find the solution to those "chaotic weekend ends."
Copywriting method: FAB
This last method that we want to share with you refers to (F) – Features , (A) – Advantages , and (B) – Benefits : FAB.
In this way, we will present in the body of the email information about the features offered by our new product and/or service: what can our product or service do for you? What will it offer you? Next, we will present the advantages of the same, and explain why it is useful for our audience and what problems it will help them solve. Finally, we will show the benefits and the simple and quick way in which they will be able to solve a problem that, even without realizing it, they had.
In summary, these are the 3 copywriting practices that we want to share with you so that, for future Email Marketing campaigns, you are much more practical and your results can obtain a higher conversion rate. However, this is a living list and we have not considered all the techniques that currently exist to apply in promotional copywriting. Others, such as the 4 Cs (clear, concise, compelling, credible), or the 4 U's (Useful, Urgent, Unique, Ultra-Specific) are just two more that can also be equally valid. But there are many more!