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What lessons can we learn from Covid-19 in Email Marketing?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:06 am
by messi66
As we have all experienced by now, the health crisis caused by Covid-19 has generated a before and after in practically the entire labour market, which, shaken by an uncertain and unprecedented situation, forced many businesses to close their doors. In fact, although - today - many of them are already recovering (albeit at a considerably slow pace), there are still many others that remain with the lights off.

This situation has undoubtedly forced many companies to communicate with their user communities in a different way (possibly) than they were doing until now: through digital channels. And, when we say that it has forced them to communicate in a different way, we mean that, although the vast majority of businesses today are, in one way or another, immersed in the digital world, it is true that there are others that are not yet (especially small businesses) and that, in fact, although in one way or another they are involved in the digital sector, perhaps they preferred other ways to stay in touch with their customers.

But, without a doubt, the health bosnia and herzegovina business email list crisis (whether we like it or not) has completely changed the way brands communicate , but also the way consumers have decided to interact with them and their messages.

And, derived from this, it is because of what – from Mittum – we have decided to create this article: an article that tells us about the lessons learned after the (current) Covid-19 health crisis, so that, faced with future campaigns, we can develop good Email Marketing campaigns.


What have we learned from Covid-19 for new Email Marketing campaigns?
Avoid unexpected communication interruptions, they will confuse your user
Obviously, it can be disconcerting for your user that, if you normally maintain a communication frequency of -for example- 2 or 3 contacts a week, you suddenly stop being in contact with them. And, as disconcerting as it may seem, the truth is that some brands have acted in this way at the most critical moments of this health crisis.

#ctaText??# Recommendations to take into account before doing emailing with third-party databases
This action, dear e-marketer friend , only weakens the relationship with the customer, as well as the reputation of the brand itself (since, by stopping communication, it causes messaging service providers to "penalize" the sender, considering him as a new one when he resumes activity).

Try to maintain the relationship with the client, but avoid overwhelming them
Obviously, it's all about balance. So, although you shouldn't - as we said above - completely abandon communication with your community, you shouldn't bombard them with communications either, because - without a doubt - it will be counterproductive for your brand. And why are we telling you this? Because various studies decree, without a doubt, that during confinement there was a brutal rise in Email Marketing, increasing traffic by 10% and reaching levels similar to those generated during Black Friday (one of the most successful days of the year in terms of Emailing results ).

During the lockdown, there was a huge increase in Email Marketing, with traffic increasing by 10% and reaching levels similar to those generated during Black Friday.

Therefore, we recommend that you do not overuse it, as this will be detrimental to your brand, as it will also affect your reputation and, therefore, the effectiveness of your campaigns (with spam problems, deliverability , opening, etc.)

Seeks to connect with the consumer, understanding him
Obviously, and as we have learned over these weeks, we must not abandon our consumers. And, even less so, when they expect news from us: to know what has happened to your brand in the midst of the pandemic, what you are going to do now to make shipments, what protection or security measures you are going to carry out, and countless other aspects. In this way, we also learn that - in situations like this - it is advisable to recognize the context in which we live, changing our messages to what is appropriate at each moment, looking out for our client and transmitting peace of mind to them as far as your brand is concerned.

#ctaText??# Points to consider when selecting an Email Marketing tool
And brands should - now more than ever - be empathetic to encourage consumers to stay in touch with them, showing as much commitment as possible.

So, dear e-marketer, although we hope that we never have to live through a situation like the one we experienced a few months ago, there are lessons to be learned from everything that is happening in the world. And these are some of them.