There are several reasons why companies offer such solutions, the most popular are:
For startups , it’s getting an initial mass of customers who can provide constructive feedback on the product.
For established companies - to receive additional income due to a new segment of clients and the sale of additional services to the LTD offer.
For the client , it is an opportunity to pay once and use the service for life. For example, Grammarly sold its lifetime premium subscription to appsummo for only $29. Now compare it with albania telegram number database the $12 license for each month of subscription that is available now. As you can see, the purchase paid for itself in 3 months of using the service.
How do Life Time Deals work?
The company can offer a lifetime purchase to its existing customers. VPN services often use this method. For example, if they see that on average a customer lives for 1 year and stops using the service, they offer to issue a lifetime subscription at the price of 1.5 years of its use. In this way, increasing the average bill from the customer.
Another way is to place an offer on a special aggregator of LTD offers. The advantage of this solution is that the company can immediately get a huge audience and a new customer base. The intermediary company (aggregator) receives a commission from placing such an offer and often it reaches 40% for each sale. The user gets the opportunity to buy a lifetime subscription at a minimum price - which in most cases makes the purchase profitable.
Many marketers buy LTD solutions in advance, so that if a new marketing task arises, there is already a ready-made toolkit for solving it. With the right approach, up to 80% of marketing tasks set in the department can be accomplished through LTD solutions, which significantly reduces budgets for purchasing software in the long term.