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Organizational climate: what is it and why is it important to evaluate it in companies?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:26 am
by Abdur9
The organizational climate is the set of feelings and impressions of a company's employees about the work environment.

Have you ever felt that your efforts are not recognized in a company and that there are complaints everywhere?

This unhealthy organizational climate is not good for anyone. The good news is that it can be reversed with leadership commitment and the implementation of the right measures.

In addition to having changed Digital Marketing and Content japan email list 2 million contact leads Marketing forever, Google and Facebook are references in promoting a better organizational climate.

At the same time, they influence companies around the world to adopt more pleasant work environments, which include leisure alternatives, flexible schedules and autonomy in the execution of tasks.

However, simply painting the walls and buying a pool table is not enough to change the atmosphere of an organization .

This is even one of the worst ways to start improving the work environment, because the decisions made by leaders may not be in tune with the wishes of the workers.

As we will see in this post, intangible factors are primarily responsible for a vibrant organizational climate , although tools, reforms and physical structures are also important.

What is organizational climate?
Although it has gained popularity in recent years with initiatives promoted by large technology corporations, organizational climate is a topic that has been studied since the 1930s and emerged as a direct consequence of the clear influence of workers' mood on company performance.


Tangible assets, such as machinery, supplies and inventories, are not the only ones responsible for business progress. Human capital has certainly become a key factor for the economy as well .

Philip Kotler, also known as the father of modern marketing , illustrated this shift within the concept of Marketing 3.0, in which companies truly begin to see consumers as human beings, contemplating their needs, values, ideals and behaviors. This definition also applies to endomarketing .

With all this evidence, the proposal of the studies and strategies aimed at the organizational climate is to promote a more pleasant work environment, which favors productivity, innovation and, consequently, the results of an organization.

What are the characteristics of the organizational climate?
It is clear that a negative work environment can directly affect a company's profits and its image in the market.

However, to understand exactly how poorly structured human resource management can affect a company, we need to clarify the key characteristics of the organizational climate.