You better know what you're getting into before you place

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You better know what you're getting into before you place

Post by Joyzfsdsro343 »

You can order a product on AliExpress. Very few types of sellers make their own ten. This is because most products on AliExpress are already manufactured and ready to be processed. Since the products are ready, typical sellers do not spend on customization. Therefore, you can place an individual product in your cart.

Alibaba Minimum Order
Most products on Alibaba allow modifications. To modify products, manufacturers bc data brazil require a certain number of units to be manufactured at a time. That's the best way they can make a profit. As a result, you'll see products with an MOQ of 50 or as high as 500 (or more).

Please note that some suppliers put an MOQ that is not really the MOQ. You may see one, but it is actually ten. The reason is that they forgot to update it or your modification request causes the MOQ to increase. Either way, make sure to ask the suppliers before you pay for the products.

Waiting Time
Time is money, it's knowledge, it's power. With every additional minute spent on your product, potential customers are taking their business elsewhere. You can't rush it that much, but an order and curse the manufacturer because of what you think is a delay.


Lead time is simply the time between when you place your order and pay a deposit and when your order is placed. Shipping time is usually calculated separately. Delivery time varies with each supplier, each product, and each modification. It can be somewhere between 2 weeks to 6 months. Essentially, it is order preparation time and production time.

AliExpress delivery time
Products on AliExpress are already manufactured and ready for shipping. You wouldn't have to deal with production time. Since you are using AliExpress, your item may not be so large to be shipped via sea freight. This takes away a lot of order preparation time. The only time you need to deal with here will be shipping time, which can be anywhere from 5 to 40 days.
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