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Look at the screenshot below. Looking at the middle photo,

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:22 am
by samiul123
By the way, you can still hear the opinion that for sites that do not offer online transactions, the presence of a security certificate is not necessary. We believe that this is a very unjustified saving in the development and technical support of a web resource. Several thousand rubles a year is a negligible amount of money for a serious business, SLL pays it back with interest. And it is not even about the notorious green lock in the browser line that strengthens trust and the "goodies" promised by search engines. It is rather about the inscription "not protected", which is present without a certificate, casting a slight shadow even on a site with the most modern design.

By taking such nuances into account, the corporate website looks representative, corresponding to the status of the organization. The result is an Internet platform that can be used as a platform for reporting to the public, informing press services, and attracting job seekers.

Humanity, openness
Another feature that is very important for a state corporation to convey through its website is openness and humanity. After all, the attitude towards such companies in our country is ambiguous. In addition to stability, reliability and power, the word "state corporation" evokes negative associations with inefficiency, nepotism and an arrogant attitude towards ordinary people in some Russians. It is not for us to judge the truth/incorrectness of such statements, but we are obliged to present the Customer's company in the best light; the corporate website should strengthen positive associations and neutralize negative ones.

In general, we have always seen the task of a web developer as not just uploading documents to a remote server, giving the Customer the opportunity to tick the box about having a website. By developing a corporate website , we create a company representation on the Internet. Among the tasks of such a web resource is the formation of a positive image, which is impossible without working with buyer doubts, negativity, and debunking stereotypes.

Therefore, both at the stage of thinking over the site structure and during consultations before filling the site with content, we recommended using photographs of real employees in a "field situation". Although such photographs are not always perfect, and catching a "live" smile is much more difficult, such images of people are attractive.

we really believe that these are real visitors to one of the Customer's canteens. And the chef in the left photo was clearly photographed in a real kitchen. He has a natural facial expression, no Hollywood smile whatsapp indian number with 33 teeth. But he is "alive" and behaves naturally - this is attractive. At the same time, despite its vitality and unpretentiousness, the photo was taken taking into account the golden ratio.

However, it was also important to have a sense of proportion with the vitality of the content. If we had gone too far, the site would have looked unprofessional, designed in a home-made way. Let's look at this using a real example.

If we left the photo of the chefs below on its own, it would look too simple. However, when you hover over it, a hover effect is triggered, and a background image with the cafeteria counters and accompanying text appears. The image is intentionally darkened so that the white letters are easier to read.


In the systematic use of such techniques, we see the way to create a humane and open atmosphere on the site, without compromising representativeness. These are “live” and humane photographs in neat designer layouts, simple but capacious headings, and a classic text design that is familiar to people of different ages.

Another important point to consider when developing a corporate website for an organization of this kind is that it is important to reflect the company's social life. These are charity events, participation in patriotic events, as well as competitions among employees and their children. When creating a website for this Customer, we understood that it would be used not so much for advertising purposes as for managing public opinion. Therefore, we initially thought through the following points: