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7 sources of waste that many companies ignore

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 3:36 am
by Aklima@4
There are many sources of waste in a company . There are cases in which it would be possible to develop the company's activity with the same production volume and quality requirements with less use of resources or in which it would be possible to use the wasted resources to improve the company.

Detecting the sources of waste in the company is an important task in all good management. In this way, the company is oriented towards continuous improvement of processes. These are some of the most important sources of waste.

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1) The waste of paper
Paper can be a double source of waste in the company. On the one hand, it is common to print too much paper . Paper can be a convenient medium, even indispensable in specific situations, to document a lot of information, to transmit it within the company and to establish communications with other people and entities. However, digital information media are gaining ground every day. In fact, today the paperless office has gone from being a utopia to being a reality.

The second cause of waste caused by paper is due to the storage of excessive paper . This entails high costs for storage, transport, treatment and other processes related to paper. Excessive storage of paper also results in a waste of space.

The cloud is now an alternative to storing huge amounts of paper. Documents are secure, organized, accessible and ready to be shared in digital format or, if necessary, printed on paper. In addition, it is possible to process the information contained in these documents, usually without the need for large investments.

To determine at what point printing and storing paper documents ceases to be a convenient initiative and becomes wasteful, it is necessary to pay attention to the organizational aspects . It is especially important to assess how paper conditions the organization of space in the company's premises and how it affects the organization of information processes .

2) Networking and waste in the company
Many companies squander their contacts . They invest engineering email list large sums in attending events, holding meetings, receiving personal attention… And yet, they do not obtain enough suitable points of connection with the reality that exists beyond the company's interior.

In some cases, the problem is one of costs . Relationships are cultivated that yield beneficial results, but at an exaggerated cost.

In other cases, the problem is one of deterioration of contact . The contact that opened up certain possibilities for us is no longer willing to do so. An example of this would be cases of loss of trust.


It is also possible that the contact, despite his good disposition, is no longer able to help us . This often happens in cases of deteriorating economic situation or in contacts that remain stuck in a past time.

Probably the worst waste of contacts is when you have a good contact, but you don't know how to use it . It's possible that we don't know that the person with whom we have a good relationship could contribute a lot to us in some area. It may also happen that we don't know how to develop the relationship.