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Learn the main characteristics of advertising text and how to create one

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 8:33 am
by Abdur8
Advertising text is a written content material that aims to spread a message about a brand, product or service.

Although it is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, the reach of a good advertising copy is truly astonishing. When it comes to evoking feelings, persuading and enchanting, the art of writing and storytelling never goes out of style.

For this reason, today we want to explain to you what this type of text is about , what its characteristics are, how you can create them, among other things.

Are you ready? Then follow us!

What is an advertising text?
An advertising text is one that attempts to attract the french email list 13 million contact leads attention of users and convince them to perform a certain action , which does not necessarily have to be the decision to purchase.

This type of message can also encourage contacts, requests for quotes or simply to request more information about a particular product or service.

In short, it is a persuasive text for commercial purposes, which is why it is valuable within Digital Marketing promotion strategies .

An advertisement or notice that includes advertising text can reach thousands of users and generate multiple sales opportunities.

Just like a Content Marketing material with excellent positioning in search engines and valuable information for the buyer persona .


For this reason, it is ideal to use this great element of advertising as a complement or addition to a digital strategy for disseminating non-intrusive content.

What types of advertising texts exist?
If we are guided by traditional theory, we find that there are two main types of advertising texts:

and narrative.
Let's see what each one is about!

As its name suggests, it is based on an argument (or several) to convince the public.

In addition, this advertising text is usually very descriptive, since it must explain the attributes of a product or service as part of the argument.

When talking about examples of argumentative-descriptive advertising text, we frequently find them in industries such as smartphones and other technological devices.

In their texts, brands in these sectors try to convince users by exposing functionalities, differentials, etc.

It is also widely used in advertising for apps , software and systems.