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What are the functions of a Community Manager?

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 6:39 am
by rosebaby50955
How to be a good community manager?

The Community Manager has become one of the profiles that can make a real difference when it comes to the success that a brand or organization can achieve in providing its services or marketing its products.

This professional, who at first glance appears to be “only” in charge of managing an organization’s social networks, is entrusted with a series of responsibilities whose primary purpose is to achieve previously established objectives.

Every job profile is subject to the fulfillment of a series of office email list functions from which objectives are established. These have the fundamental purpose of optimizing the processes that are carried out within the list of responsibilities of the position in question.

The same occurs with Community Management, which is the focal point towards which the different tasks undertaken from this particular role are directed, which has currently become imperative for any organization that wishes to expand its brand and make it part of the collective gaze before which it wants to make itself known.


Thus, among some of the most important functions of a Community Manager, the following can be highlighted:

Analyze the Audience You Will Address on Social Networks
It is well known that every company or organization works based on a target, which is how the ideal public is known, which especially includes both users who are clients who have already established a loyalty process with the organization, as well as those who may become potential clients.

In this sense, the person in charge of social media management must know the most notable characteristics of this specific audience (age, sex, marital status, hobbies, level of academic training, among others), which will be very helpful in planning publications.

To do this, you can use the following tools that will help you to gain a deeper understanding of some of the key aspects in order to design appropriate strategies to maintain the interest of the followers of these websites and increase the traffic of the publications, encouraging them to talk about them and share them on their profiles.

Crimson Hexagon:
This is a tool that allows you to monitor the activity of the different social networks that are being managed, providing an analysis of this information.

In addition, it generates data about the brand and provides information about the opinions of followers.

This tool, which is usually very similar to Crimson Hexagon, allows you to find conversations in which the brand, company or products that are being promoted on social networks are mentioned.

Brand 24
This is perhaps one of the most useful tools for a Community Manager, because it helps this professional to have a more detailed control of the development of the activities of the social networks that he manages, but also, it provides him with information about the competition that can be very valuable for the planning of his management.