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Cold Calling Scenarios for Real Humans

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:44 am
by mdsakilmdsak0987
There are a few things to consider before picking up the phone. Doing a little research and narrowing down who you want to call can save you a lot of time and stress.

If you cold call blindly, you’ll be reaching out to people who may not be in your target market, usa phone number list resulting in a lot of dropped calls and wasted time on your part.

So, the first thing to do is choose who to call. Consider the target audience for your solution , whether it’s industries or company sizes, try to have a couple of categories in mind that will help you narrow down the list.

So, start by finding the right people to talk to. LinkedIn is a great resource for this because you can search for the right prospects from a myriad of search options.

The search is based on job title, industry, mutual connections, location and much more.

Once you have a solid list of people to contact, do a little research before dialing their number.


Try to find out what their role entails, what the company does (maybe you’ve helped similar companies in the past and can use those pain points in your conversation), and any interesting information that can help the conversation flow smoothly.

Now that you have a thoughtful, well-researched list ready, it's time to put together your script.

giving each other a high five
Cold Call
Let's put all the elements together to create a script.

And remember: since you researched your list before getting to this point, try to incorporate these conversation points into the call.

First, you need to clearly state your name and company.

Don't speak too quickly or loudly, because the person on the other end of the line will quickly get annoyed if they can't understand what you're saying.

whale hello
Instead of jumping right into a conversation, leave room for a couple of beats of silence. This allows the other person to think about who you are and possibly exchange a friendly "how are you?"

This is your chance to make the call a little more personal. from the research you did earlier. Ask them about their career, background, etc.

“Am I correct in saying that you are responsible for [current responsibility] at [current company]?”

"First of all, I saw on LinkedIn that we both know [a mutual contact]. We [did something specific together at some point]. How do you know each other?"

"I noticed you attended [college name]. One of my best friends went there. How did you like your time at [college name]?"

...or mention/ask anything you feel comfortable with and that creates a connection.

Connect with them on a personal level , and they will most likely warm up to the conversation.

If you feel them starting to open up, continue the conversation and add a follow-up question.

But don't dwell on it too much - you have to get to the point!