Through mouse movement tracking, marketers can understand the behavior of visitors visiting the website and learn which UX/UI design features are user-friendly or which need improvement.
Page scroll
It's usually a good thing for users to keep scrolling to read more, because scrolling means they want to learn more. However, in this era of infinite scroll pages , using this web design algeria whatsapp number data 5 million technology, as long as the user scrolls to the bottom of the web page, the program will automatically load the content of the next page. Therefore, scrolling does not completely represent interest.
The two actions of page scrolling and mouse clicking can mean that consumers are jumping to web pages and comparing products on e-commerce platforms that sell various similar products. If the page is scrolled but the mouse does not click, it may be just a behavior of consumers to kill time, without purpose or intention to purchase.

No action by itself can give marketers a complete understanding of consumers and their motivations and patterns. Likewise, thinking that online consumers can only be categorized into a few types runs a high risk of misperceiving certain visitors. At Appier, we use artificial intelligence (AI) technology to track, collect and analyze more than 400 data attributes to effectively and accurately calculate the various behaviors of different consumers and the reasons that motivate them to purchase.