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3 real-world examples of successful lead generation

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 5:54 am
by sheikh12345
Now that you’ve learned how lead generation can boost your business’s bottom line and read over our tips for a successful lead generation campaign, let’s top it off by showing how some DTC brands use lead generation to increase their customer base and revenue.

Here are just a few examples of lead generation forms done right:

1. Vegetology doubled their conversion rate
Here’s an excellent lead generation example from Vegetology.

They utilized a “mystery discount” instead of the typical (boring) 10% off, which piqued people’s curiosity and resulted in significant interest.

In addition, they added a list of macedonia cell phone numbers seasonal twist to the basic offer and incorporated the current month in the headline (“February special”), which increased the sense of urgency.

By utilizing OptiMonk’s Smart Tags feature, they were able to automate this process and avoid the need to update the popup each month.

Lastly, with the assistance of the OptiMonk team, they introduced a teaser that trailed visitors throughout the website after they closed the popup.


2. Obvi collected 205 new phone numbers in one week
Obvi ran a teaser campaign for their Black Friday sale to build a subscriber list and increase purchases during Black Friday.

The teaser campaign had a 7.23% conversion rate and collected 205 new phone numbers in one week, thanks to a countdown timer that increased urgency.

The exit popup targeted visitors who were highly interested but had yet to make a purchase.