Leal dutra c&c: the importance of layout
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 5:50 am
1. About 3E
Headquartered in Campinas/SP, 3E Unicamp is the oldest junior Electrical Engineering company in Brazil and in 2020 completed 30 years of history. It was founded with the purpose of improving student training and also offering solutions in the area to small companies.
The company currently aims to become bc data america a high-impact company by 2022. In this way, it will present better results for its customers and contribute to the progress of the Junior Enterprise Movement.
To learn more about the Junior Enterprise Movement, visit: https://liderjr.com/blog/7-motivos-para ... sa-junior/.
In this way, the company's broad portfolio aims to contribute to the development of the electrical and prototype areas.

2. The Challenge
It is known that choosing, applying, monitoring and sequencing a strategy is complex and sometimes confusing, even more so when there is no basic knowledge of the subject.
However, strategy is the organization's guide and planning is essential for the company's healthy growth.
Therefore, Júnior Estudos EletroEletrônicos (3E) needed to eliminate problems that prevented the company's constant development; such as structuring objectives and metrics , achieving goals, motivating and uniting members, in addition to consistency in results.
With this, Líder Jr. committed to structuring the strategy for 2020 through a Strategic Plan (SP) . To solve this challenge, support materials were prepared to monitor and update the strategy in 2020 and subsequent years, such as:
Manual on what a PE is: This manual was intended to prepare the company's members for the construction phase together with the Líder Jr. team.
How to monitor and update results: After setting goals, members were able to learn techniques for updating results.
Action plans: Actions needed to achieve the desired results.
To learn more, visit: https://liderjr.com/blog/indicadores-e-estrategia/
Therefore, at the end of the project, as a result, Líder Jr. delivered, in addition to the complete strategy for the year 2020 in a presentation manual and the aforementioned support materials, an automated and personalized spreadsheet for measuring, monitoring and updating the results of strategic, tactical and operational goals.
3. Impacts and Results
Therefore, with the complete solution developed and proposed by Líder Jr. based on strategic knowledge, 3E has a direction for its actions and healthy growth in 2020. In addition, the initial strategy, with the current scenario of the global Corona Virus crisis, Júnior Estudos EletroEletrônicos can easily transform its actions towards a new objective.
Headquartered in Campinas/SP, 3E Unicamp is the oldest junior Electrical Engineering company in Brazil and in 2020 completed 30 years of history. It was founded with the purpose of improving student training and also offering solutions in the area to small companies.
The company currently aims to become bc data america a high-impact company by 2022. In this way, it will present better results for its customers and contribute to the progress of the Junior Enterprise Movement.
To learn more about the Junior Enterprise Movement, visit: https://liderjr.com/blog/7-motivos-para ... sa-junior/.
In this way, the company's broad portfolio aims to contribute to the development of the electrical and prototype areas.

2. The Challenge
It is known that choosing, applying, monitoring and sequencing a strategy is complex and sometimes confusing, even more so when there is no basic knowledge of the subject.
However, strategy is the organization's guide and planning is essential for the company's healthy growth.
Therefore, Júnior Estudos EletroEletrônicos (3E) needed to eliminate problems that prevented the company's constant development; such as structuring objectives and metrics , achieving goals, motivating and uniting members, in addition to consistency in results.
With this, Líder Jr. committed to structuring the strategy for 2020 through a Strategic Plan (SP) . To solve this challenge, support materials were prepared to monitor and update the strategy in 2020 and subsequent years, such as:
Manual on what a PE is: This manual was intended to prepare the company's members for the construction phase together with the Líder Jr. team.
How to monitor and update results: After setting goals, members were able to learn techniques for updating results.
Action plans: Actions needed to achieve the desired results.
To learn more, visit: https://liderjr.com/blog/indicadores-e-estrategia/
Therefore, at the end of the project, as a result, Líder Jr. delivered, in addition to the complete strategy for the year 2020 in a presentation manual and the aforementioned support materials, an automated and personalized spreadsheet for measuring, monitoring and updating the results of strategic, tactical and operational goals.
3. Impacts and Results
Therefore, with the complete solution developed and proposed by Líder Jr. based on strategic knowledge, 3E has a direction for its actions and healthy growth in 2020. In addition, the initial strategy, with the current scenario of the global Corona Virus crisis, Júnior Estudos EletroEletrônicos can easily transform its actions towards a new objective.