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Turning Cold Calls Into Warm Leads

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 5:01 am
by Noyonhasan574
What challenges do franchisors face that other businesses don’t? It all comes down to control. If a traditional company has a hundred offices spread across the country, each office is under its direct control to some extent and the people who work there are employees. If a franchisor has a hundred franchisees across the country selling its products or services, then it has a hundred separate businesses running day-to-day operations. Sometimes, it can be a little difficult to keep them all on the same page. How does an outbound telemarketing program help franchise organizations? Let’s look at some of the goals of a typical franchise organization.

Increase the bottom line. Strengthen its members and franchisees. By armenia phone number material developing new markets, it is easier to sell more franchises. Standardize marketing messages across the organization. Centralize inbound support to benefit the entire organization. I have worked with many franchise organizations over the years. Like any other business that decides to use outbound telemarketing, they do so because it’s not part of their core competency or doesn’t support their employees. Whether their services are third-party support, accounting services, or coupon marketing, they rely on an outbound telemarketing agency to design and implement a plan that achieves their goals at a price that fits their budget.


Outbound telemarketing is universal and can be used and shared by multiple parties. Telemarketing campaigns use the same script; no matter where the call is made or for what purpose, the same sales message or intent is used. First, it is used by the corporate entity (i.e., the franchisor) to establish sales within the territory it controls and markets. Most commonly, it has resident sales representatives in these areas or a team within the space to set up possible franchise sales. The call center handles prospecting.