Unlike Free Marketing, this does not depend on complementary marketing, but rather consists of giving away a free sample of the product to influence the consumer to make the purchase.
Direct Mail Marketing
A form of channel-independent advertising that allows businesses and vietnam whatsapp number data 5 million nonprofit organizations to communicate directly with the customer, with advertising techniques that may include text messaging, e-mail, interactive consumer websites, online display ads, brochures, catalog distribution, promotional letters, and outdoor advertising.
Direct marketing messages emphasize a focus on the customer, data, and accountability. The characteristics that distinguish direct marketing are:
Marketing messages are directed directly to customers. Direct marketing relies on being able to target members of a target market. Addressability comes in a variety of forms including email addresses, mobile phone numbers, web browser cookies, fax numbers, and postal addresses.
Direct marketing seeks to generate a specific “call to action .” For example, an ad may ask the prospect to call a toll-free number or click on a link to a website.
Direct marketing emphasizes measurable and trackable customer responses regardless of the medium.
Direct marketing is practiced by companies of all sizes, from the smallest to Fortune 500 leaders. A well-executed direct mail campaign can demonstrate a positive return on investment by showing how many potential customers responded to a clear call to action. General advertising eschews calls to action in favor of messages that attempt to generate emotional awareness or commitment to a brand in prospects. Even well-designed general advertisements can rarely demonstrate their impact on an organization's bottom line.
Database Marketing
Database marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses databases of customers or potential customers to generate personalized messages to promote a product or service for marketing purposes.
The communication method can be any addressable medium, as in direct marketing.
The distinction between direct marketing and database marketing stems primarily from the focus on data analysis. Database marketing emphasizes the use of statistical techniques to develop models of customer behavior, which are then used to select customers for communications.
As a result, database marketers also tend to be heavy users of data warehouses, because having a greater amount of data about customers increases the likelihood that a more accurate model can be built.
There are two main types of marketing databases: (1) consumer databases and (2) business databases.
Consumer databases are primarily aimed at businesses that sell to consumers, often abbreviated as [business to consumer] B2C.
Business marketing databases are often much more advanced in the information they can provide. This is primarily because business databases are not restricted by the same privacy laws as consumer databases.
Personalized marketing
Personalized marketing (also called personalization and sometimes referred to as one-to-one marketing) is an extreme form of product differentiation.
While product differentiation attempts to differentiate a product from competitors, personalization attempts to create a unique product offering for each customer.
Nike ID is a popular brand that has built a strong business around this marketing concept of personalization.
Affinity Marketing
Create strategic alliances that are mutually beneficial by forming partnerships with complementary brands. Also known as partnership marketing, with this strategy, one brand generates sales while the other creates new customers and builds brand awareness.
Cult marketing
The cult marketing proposition takes precedence over the notion that one way to convert (ahem, excite… OK, convert) consumers is by using timeless human behavioral cues found in religious cults.
Damn, fellow acolytes, nothing is more based on permissions, rumors and one-on-one than “a central ideology with a parallel social universe rich in customs.”
Cult marketing is a bright spot on the list of novel marketing templates, one that applies timeless social science principles in a powerful way. To the list of novel marketing buzzwords, let’s add the term cult.
Humanistic marketing
Human needs are “a state of felt deprivation.” They distinguish between physical needs (food, shelter, security, clothing), social needs (belonging and affection) and individual needs (knowledge, self-expression).
Needs are a relatively limited set of non-cultural states of felt deprivation.
Guerrilla marketing
The grassroots, non-traditional, low-budget methods found involve creativity, large crowds of people, and the element of surprise to market or promote a product, service, brand, event, or new launch.
Marketing for brand lovers
Brand Lover Marketing is a marketing concept that aims to replace the idea of traditional brand marketing.
Brands are running out of steam and Brand Lovers are what is needed to rescue brands. But what creates loyalty beyond reason? What makes a truly great brand stand out?
Brand lovers bring brands to life. For a brand to rise to “Cult Brand” status, it has to give customers a sense of belonging while generating strong feelings of love for its customers.
Creating loyalty beyond reason requires emotional connections that generate the highest levels of love and sense of belonging to your brand.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to marketing strategies that work for your brand. But the examples in this post will open up new avenues for thinking and experimenting. The best advice is to keep trying different ideas until you get them right.
But what do you think if we look at other examples…
Free sample marketing
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