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Four key factors to consider in digital marketing for companies

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 8:40 am
by zihadhosenjm03
The Internet has transformed the way companies sell their products and interact with their customers. While traditional marketing tools still work, the online world allows for greater reach and at a lower cost. Its high profitability is a powerful attraction for SMEs. Digital marketing for companies brings great benefits such as a significant increase in web traffic, an improvement in brand reputation and, therefore, more conversions and sales. However, achieving all these results requires a good digital marketing strategy , with optimal planning focused on obtaining the best results.

How to get the best results in digital marketing for companies
Factor 1 – Define your target audience
It is significant that many companies in Spain have a vague description list of bolivia whatsapp phone numbers of who their potential customers are. Due to a lack of knowledge, it is normal for all attempts to communicate and sell to fail. The first step towards a good strategy that brings sales is to know the end customer , the one who is going to buy a product or service from the company.


Companies must have accurate descriptions of their target audiences , so they can tell them stories that are truly meaningful and interesting to them, that can capture their attention. Today's digital marketing is based on attraction through brand storytelling and these contents are born from studying what your target audience is like, what words they search for online, what needs they have, what aspirations or goals they pursue, etc.

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Any online digital marketing campaign starts with audience profiling and keyword analysis . Both tasks are essential to ensure success.

Factor 2 – Digital channels where your target browses
Once you know your target audience, you can research how they move around the digital ecosystem. Users interact on social media, digital marketplaces, with search engines, go to news sites and other entertainment platforms. Before taking any further action, it is essential to know which of these channels has the largest percentage of your target audience.

You should invest your efforts into having profiles on social media where your potential customers are (LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Google Plus, etc.) and going to specific networks with a smaller reach but more effective in terms of engagement. Moving around social networks also involves researching which networks have more potential customers and adapting to their own language.

On the other hand, with the increase in interactions from mobile devices, your company's digital marketing must take this aspect into account with a responsive website . It is also advisable to explore marketing tactics that take advantage of mobility, geolocation and information tracking in order to reach users who browse from smartphones.

Paid marketing strategies ( PPC, email marketing, retargeting channels, etc.) are effective for promoting your company and your services to a sensitive audience and attracting visitors to your website. Once the user visits your site, some paid options keep you in their mind and facilitate conversion.

And finally, good SEO will place you in the top positions of the SERP search results thanks to the creation and distribution of content.

Factor 3 – Create branded content focused on conversion
It's not about creating pages and investing resources in content that no one will read. Every piece of content your company produces must pursue a goal: to build loyalty, inform, entertain, inspire, position... It is the content that directs the public's attention to you, so each piece of communication is an ambassador of your brand's attributes.

To make your content effective, spend a few minutes doing a three-question mini-audit:

What value does this content bring to my target audience?
What does it have that makes it stand out and differentiate itself from the competition's content?
What key message am I communicating about my brand with this content?
If your content is weak in any of these areas, you'll notice it immediately. Consider whether it's worth putting up another boring #HappyFriday or #GoodNight. Quantity is important, but the quality of everything you publish is the priority. Quality content will attract traffic , engage with your users by leading them through the conversion funnel , increase the volume of information on your website, and multiply your chances of appearing in search engine results.

In this factor, long-tail SEO optimization of each communication piece can make a big difference between your positioning and that of your competitors.

Factor 4 – Building loyalty and optimizing user experience (UX)
All your digital marketing efforts are flirting with failure if your website does not offer a usable , friendly, intuitive, quality design that lives up to your audiences' expectations. Digital marketing campaigns will open the doors of your website to a large audience, and once they come into contact with your online space you need them to do what you want and maintain the relationship with the brand. What aspects of your site are capable of sustaining the relationship, delighting them and keeping them loyal to you?

At the positioning level, Google and the other search engines are paying a lot of attention to the online consumer experience as an element of online positioning . If your website has a high bounce rate, Google may interpret this as meaning that your content is irrelevant and not what users are looking for, which leads to a downward position in the search engine. On the other hand, if users find information and data of interest enough to continue browsing your website, Google will interpret this as something positive.

These four factors are key to the success of digital marketing for companies . All of them require good planning in the strategy. Research your target, approach them, offer them what they like and what attracts them, make them feel comfortable. These steps involve exhaustive research and a long-term strategy in order to carry everything out and maintain it over time. How do you manage them in your company? If you have any questions, contact us .