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you can create an account with

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:17 am
by Anamika143SA
By sending an SMS survey to your members, which can be done 1 month after they have signed up, you will get great feedback on how you can improve the gym and ensure your members renew their gym membership.

If you think SMS can help your business, whether in the fitness sector or any other, us for free. With a simple gesture, you will be

Not only do you face fines if you do not comply with current latvia whatsapp number data 5 million regulations, but you can also create a bad experience for your clients or potential clients and this will ruin your relationship.

Avoid only communicating promotions
The great versatility of SMS makes it not only useful for disseminating promotions, but also for communicating tips, tricks and other aspects related to the company itself.

It is true that we all like to be able to buy with a discount code, but we are also encouraged to know how to care for or use a certain product, some recommendations after using a service or a reminder of key guidelines to be able to keep what we have purchased in good condition.

All of this contributes to generating brand image and preventing your customers from forgetting about you and going to the competition.


Seize the moment
SMS marketing is characterized by immediacy and the high capacity for the recipient to receive information. Therefore, take advantage of the moment. Think about when to send your campaign and add some urgency to activate your audience.

We don't like to miss out on anything, so if you include a few words that clearly communicate exclusivity, urgency, deadlines, etc., you will get your customers moving and taking action.

Now you know the keys to creating great SMS marketing campaigns that convert. Now you just have to put it into practice. To make this task easier for you, access our free trial today and discover what our platform is like inside. Connecting with your customers through text messages has never been so easy and affordable.