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What is a marketing campaign? Explaining the confusing meaning through examples of how to create it

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 7:12 am
by rabia43
The word "campaign" brings to mind images of glamorous, large-scale marketing activities such as summer campaigns and 100th anniversary campaigns. Marketing professionals are probably familiar with the term as the name of functions such as CRM and MA.

In fact, campaign is originally a military term. It refers to strategic, organized activities, and in the United States, the presidential election is also expressed as a presidential campaign. By the way, according to an English site, the appropriate English word to say the Japanese word campaign is promotion .

However, even in Japan, recently, more and more companies are approaching their marketing activities in a much more strategic way than before.

In this article, we will explain what a hong kong telegram phone number list marketing campaign is, the types of marketing campaigns available, how to proceed with them, and provide examples of marketing campaigns.


What is a Marketing Campaign?
A marketing campaign is a strategic effort to further your marketing goals.

The main objectives of a marketing campaign are to increase awareness of a product or service, branding, indirectly contribute to revenue, etc. There are a wide variety of types of campaigns depending on the purpose, means, channel, area, etc. as shown below.

Types of Marketing Campaigns

The difference between a marketing campaign and an advertising campaign
A marketing campaign is a general term for the strategy and execution of various types of marketing campaigns to achieve a goal, while an advertising campaign is a marketing campaign that uses advertising only or primarily.

There are many types of advertising and many different approaches, so it is possible to achieve significant marketing results with just an advertising campaign. However, it is still only a part of a marketing campaign.

Common types of B2B marketing campaigns
Here are some common types of B2B marketing campaigns:

Product Marketing Campaign
A product marketing campaign is a series of campaign activities that involve launching a product on the market, promoting it, and selling it to customers. Campaigns are especially focused on GTM (new product launch) and renewal timing.

Product marketing campaigns are carried out in collaboration between development, marketing, and sales.

Brand awareness campaigns
A brand awareness campaign is a campaign that raises awareness of the brand of your product or service.

There are campaigns that aim to raise awareness of the product or service from those who were previously unaware, campaigns that aim to make it top of mind (such as making it the first brand that comes to mind when thinking of smartphones), and rebranding campaigns following a brand name change.

Brand awareness campaigns

(Source: dreamstime )

Email Marketing Campaigns
An email marketing campaign is one that utilizes an email approach to reach potential customers and achieve your marketing goals.

Email is a versatile channel that allows you to engage prospects and existing customers with ongoing email campaigns.

They also lend themselves well to supporting a variety of other campaign goals: emails can drive subscriptions to owned publications, drive traffic to landing pages, assist with whitepaper downloads or webinar sign-ups.

(Source: dreamstime )

Content Marketing Campaigns
A content marketing campaign is a marketing campaign that aims to acquire leads and build your brand by continually providing useful content to potential customers rather than selling products or services.

According to the Content Marketing Institute , a US website specializing in content marketing, content marketing is defined as follows:

Image of the email campaign

英語: Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable content to attract and retain clearly defined audiences and ultimately drive valuable customer action.

(Source: Content Marketing Institute )

The meaning of content is actually quite broad and includes all advertising and promotional materials, but in Japan, content generally refers to content created in-house, such as owned media, corporate blogs, seminars, etc. Content marketing generally leads not only to lead acquisition but also to branding and recruiting effects.

User-Generated Content (UGC) Campaigns
UGC is any content created by customers, such as user posts on social media, comments on review sites, videos posted using your products, etc. A UGC marketing campaign is an activity that utilizes UGC (user-generated content, etc.).

As you know, today's users trust UCGs such as user reviews more than the advertising copy or the words of salespeople . Using positive UCGs as material will help you attract new potential customers, increase your credibility, and improve brand awareness.

Of course, UGC will be generated organically, but you can engineer incentives for generating it within each campaign.

In addition, UGC contest campaigns such as GoPro's awards and Starbucks' cup art contests not only attract attention but also deepen communication with customers. UGC campaigns are basically for BtoC, but there are also companies that implement them in BtoB, such as IBM's use of Instagram .

Content Marketing Definition

(Source: Twitter )

PR Campaign
PR is an abbreviation for public relations, and a PR campaign is a public relations campaign . It involves communication activities such as distributing news releases to appropriate media, posting on social media, and sponsoring events.

Press releases can be shared on websites, blogs, social media, and other channels to create a synergistic effect. The content of the press releases can range from company initiatives, vision announcements, industry reports, new product promotions, rebranding, and more. We will continually work to increase the number of people who understand and support your company.

Unlike advertising, this campaign does not incur much cost. It takes time, and you cannot control whether or not you get positive reviews from external media, but users will perceive it as reliable and fresh information.