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Quickly improve your business! Call center operation techniques

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:04 am
by rabia43
The main duties of a call center supervisor/center manager can be broadly divided into two types.

Carrying out call center operations
Improving on-site operations
This time, we focused on "improving on-site operations."

If there is any area for improvement in our customer service, we will make the necessary improvements in as short a time interval as possible.

~One of the principles of agile call center operations (tentative)~

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Three types of operational improvements
Call center operation improvements can be divided into three types depending on the points that need improvement.


Improvement activities completed within the call center
Improvement activities that require collaboration with other departments
. *In the case of outsourced companies, collaboration with the outsourcing company
Improvement activities based on customer feedback
In this article, we will discuss points 1 and 2. For point 3, please refer to the separate article (link below).

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Improvement activities completed within the call center
For call center workers, this is the improvement point that is most familiar, most easily achievable, and the effects of which can be felt most quickly.

Examples of improvements
Create a comfortable working environment.
Review the operating rules.
Review the training system.

The key points I think of here are "decision-making authority" and "deadline . "

Decision-making authority
"Improving operations" means "someone decides to make improvements and then executes them."
Even if you find an improvement point, if you don't know who to tell, it's likely to end up as just complaints and grumbling on the ground .
This is a bad example that is often seen in call centers.

Therefore, by designating personnel who will be responsible for making judgments and decisions based on the content and clarifying the reporting route, smooth operational improvements can be achieved.

due date
Setting deadlines is important to do good work, and the earlier the better.

In particular, the improvement activities for this item are completed within the call center, so if it is just a decision, it can be made on the same day. It is best to have a system in place where a decision can be made on the same day (or the next day at the latest)
after it is conveyed to the person with the decision-making authority .

By deciding in advance who has the authority to make decisions, you can make decisions more smoothly.

Improvement activities that require collaboration with other departments
Next, there are operational improvements that can be resolved within the company providing the service, but cannot be resolved within the call center alone.
*In the case of outsourcing, this includes the outsourcing company.

The department in charge promises to get back to me, but they often don't get back to me at the promised time. ⇒ Review the call-back rules with the relevant department.
Employees from other departments are asking for special rules for dealing with customers, and I can't get it all together. Set common rules that are consistent across the company.
To solve these problems, it is best to share in advance with the department you are cooperating with the operational rules for how to improve the service when improvements are needed.
If possible, it is a good idea to hold regular meetings once a month or every few months where related departments can gather and discuss areas for improvement.

The important thing here is to create a system where both parties can check the rules at any time.
We recommend using groupware to share the latest rules within the company.

In this case, the power of the person in charge of the counter (center manager, etc.) will be greatly demonstrated.
Steady internal sales are necessary to raise awareness of the call center within the company and build cooperative relationships with related departments.
Let's try and error to improve the value of the call center and make the customer service at the counter feel familiar.

Who will speak up and how will they do it?
Finally, here is an important point that is common to all operational improvements.

Who will notice areas for improvement and voice their opinions
? How will those opinions be collected?

If you improve things that only a few people, such as the center director, notice, you will miss a lot of things unless you have a fairly broad perspective.
On the other hand, if you try to listen to the voices of all communicators, you may receive too many requests and the operation may become unmanageable. Furthermore, if the requests are not met, it may result in increasing dissatisfaction.

However, I would still like to advocate for a system in which everyone can speak up .

There is value in collecting opinions from each perspective.
Newcomers may have points that they can only notice as newcomers, and the supervisor and center director each have their own perspective.

Improving the center together may also be similar to KCS (Knowledge Center Service), where everyone works together to update knowledge.