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Speeding Up the Recruitment Process in Times of Talent Shortage

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 4:16 am
by Joyzfsddt66
As the talent shortage gets shorter, the recruitment process has got longer. Glassdoor research featured in Forbes, estimates that the average length of the interview process has doubled in five years, from 12.6 days to 22.9 days. Meanwhile, the best candidates are on the market an average of just 10 days. It doesn’t take a mathematician to work out that this discrepancy is just not sustainable.

Part of the reason for the slowing down of the recruitment process is the increasing argentina whatsapp phone number demand from employers for candidates to undergo more and more tests and interview stages. Screening methods such as group presentations, IQ tests, personality, security and drug tests each extend the hiring timeline. We have heard of 7 stage interviews and up to 45 people from the company involved in the interview process. An extreme example perhaps, but there is no evidence to suggest that lengthy recruiting times improves the quality of those who you hire and in our experience, the most talented candidates simply won’t wait around, as they will almost certainly have other offers on the go.

Imagine a Premiership football team waiting until just before the transfer window closes before advertising for a top player and then asking them to attend three interviews, a medical, psychometric test and a ball skills workshop. Then assess their chances of winning the league title with the team they managed to recruit.