Stay away from telemarketing and DM

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Stay away from telemarketing and DM

Post by arzina221 »

Business insights
Let's sober up a bit. All that social media is great, but within B2B they are hardly used, concludes TNS NIPO in the report Business Insights 2013 . In our country, websites (55%) and search engines (49%) are popular, followed at a considerable distance by LinkedIn (17%), Facebook (12%) and Twitter (11%). Very different from figures that you often hear from others, figures that are often of American origin. For example, John Watton , senior director of Silverpop , said a little later that 21% of all B2B buyers would use social media. That percentage is therefore significantly lower in our country. This once again underlines the importance of good content on your own website.

Can I sober up one more time? Reg van Steen , business unit director at TNS NIPO, hears too often that 70% of the buyer journey is already completed before the customer knocks on the door of the selling party. “Nonsense,” he thinks. “They do that much earlier. When on average a third of the hunger for information has been satisfied, the first requests for quotations often follow.” But be careful, no sector is the same. “That is why it is so important that you have insight into the vietnam phone data purchasing process of your own market.”

For example, in the business damage insurance market, buyers make a decision early in the sales process, they contact an insurer or intermediary. While buyers in the maintenance contract market at that time mainly need white papers and other information. Also nice (and that sounds like a wide open door): the report finally makes it officially clear that pull is valued more than push by the Dutch business buyer. Important sources of information for him are still the professional advisor and word of mouth.

The same goes for the Netherlands: stay away from telemarketing and DM. That also makes Dutch people itch. "Old news, you think, forget it", says Van Steen. It still happens too much. To illustrate what Watton says in addition: "marketing practice is ten years behind marketing vision." So we still have a little time and I hope that everything will turn out well.

B2B Marketing Forum: content itself also in good order
Rarely experienced a conference about content that also had its own content in order so well. During the event there was a nicely written live blog that gave the author finger cramp (the author wrote it himself) and afterwards you were bombarded with e-mails with links to the presentations , interviews, video and photos , so that you could experience the conference again. I wonder how the organization will keep me as visitors warm for the B2B Marketing Forum next year.
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