Fig. 5 Butterfly model: Subject-enforcer relationship
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 10:01 am
All communication about supervision is secondary to the subject in this relationship. He wants to know first: 'does this apply to me?' And when that is crystal clear, then swallow the bitter pill with a glass of water. We can't make it more pleasant...
Not only does this place specific demands on the content, it also places demands on the channel, on the timing. But the whole can be interpreted as a specific relationship, based on specific interactions. A similar analysis can of course be made for other organizations: customer – supplier, insurer – insured …
subject-enforcer relationship
Content Design – aligning content, context and relationship
By delving into the interactions and relationships with your target groups, you are able to create policy for your content. You can call that content strategy, although it is actually much more tactical. Or from the agency side, content design . I will claim that term here. I am concerned about content design. Content design is then
“Designing content based on the interaction, context and venezuela phone data relationship between the target group on the one hand and the organization on the other”
More important than the definition, the model allows you to tap into a range of concepts that contribute to the effectiveness of your content:
Top tasks – in fact, the ‘plans’ of the target groups are often standard questions, which come back every time. These standard questions (we use the term contentgrid ) help to create formats for your channel. In addition to the top tasks of the target group, we also use the top tasks of the organization as a concept.
Customer journey – the sum of a customer’s interactions, starting with a plan (different channels) to action (content and conversation) and the experiences added together (user experience).
Channel policy – the inventory of all platforms at the target group (plan and action) and organization (plan and action), set in chronology of the customer journey. On which channels is the target group? On which channels is the organization? Where are they both?
In a future article I will talk more about applying the butterfly model in conjunction with optimizing content using top tasks and formats.
Not only does this place specific demands on the content, it also places demands on the channel, on the timing. But the whole can be interpreted as a specific relationship, based on specific interactions. A similar analysis can of course be made for other organizations: customer – supplier, insurer – insured …
subject-enforcer relationship
Content Design – aligning content, context and relationship
By delving into the interactions and relationships with your target groups, you are able to create policy for your content. You can call that content strategy, although it is actually much more tactical. Or from the agency side, content design . I will claim that term here. I am concerned about content design. Content design is then
“Designing content based on the interaction, context and venezuela phone data relationship between the target group on the one hand and the organization on the other”
More important than the definition, the model allows you to tap into a range of concepts that contribute to the effectiveness of your content:
Top tasks – in fact, the ‘plans’ of the target groups are often standard questions, which come back every time. These standard questions (we use the term contentgrid ) help to create formats for your channel. In addition to the top tasks of the target group, we also use the top tasks of the organization as a concept.
Customer journey – the sum of a customer’s interactions, starting with a plan (different channels) to action (content and conversation) and the experiences added together (user experience).
Channel policy – the inventory of all platforms at the target group (plan and action) and organization (plan and action), set in chronology of the customer journey. On which channels is the target group? On which channels is the organization? Where are they both?
In a future article I will talk more about applying the butterfly model in conjunction with optimizing content using top tasks and formats.