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Mobile-friendly landing pages

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 9:53 am
by arzina221
Loading time and weight of the email
Wireless mobile internet is still a lot slower than internet via cable. Avoid e-mailings with a long loading time. There is a big chance that the recipients will delete the e-mail immediately or do not have the patience to wait until the e-mail is loaded. If your e-mail is too heavy due to images or attachments, choose to send only a text version. The lighter your e-mail, the faster it is loaded.

Clear text links and one call-to-action button
The screens of mobile devices are often large. So avoid small, unclear call-to-action buttons. Make sure you place one clear call-to-action in the email that is large enough to press properly. Avoid the reader dropping out because the call-to-action button does not work properly or is too small. If you have text links in the email, make sure they are easy to click, for example by enlarging the font.


Once you’ve made your email process mobile-friendly, don’t forget about one important part: landing pages. It would be really annoying if the recipient opens the email, clicks through, and then drops off at the conversion page. Here’s what to keep in mind:

Replace Flash with HTML 5, CSS3 or Javascript. uruguay phone data All Apple and BlackBerry mobile devices do not support Flash. Android does support it but has long loading times and the usability is not ideal.
Be clear and to-the-point in your content. Make sure the visitor immediately sees the information he is interested in. Mobile visitors who are interested in the content on your website will visit your website at a later time.
Be aware that mobile devices do not have a hover state. If your recipient moves their finger over an image or link, they will click on it and the link behind it will open.
Adjust your landing pages in width so that they open in a user-friendly way.
Testing, testing and more testing
Before you send the mailing to your file, first test whether the e-mail works in Outlook, Apple's Mail, BlackBerry and on Android mobile devices. You want to discover and fix errors before sending. Therefore, always test the e-mail on your own smartphone and from colleagues. Do not just assume that the e-mail will be displayed correctly. Do you want to know whether your recipients are waiting for a mobile-friendly mailing? Ask them in the e-mail and let them indicate it with a click.

Although these tips are not binding, as an email marketer you are almost obliged to at least investigate whether your emails are opened on mobile devices. It would be a shame to miss out on sales because your email is not mobile friendly. And hey, if you don't shoot, you'll never hit.