More than 99% of startups fail without the help of such a business accelerator. Your chances of success increase accordingly if you are open to such an approach. And yes, often you have to give up some of your equity: a percentage of your company. But isn't that a small price to pay for a greater chance of success? Better 80% ownership of success than 100% ownership of failure.
Two tips from start-up CEOs: Edial Dekker and Oliver Bronner
The last two tips come from Edial Dekker ( @edial ), CEO of Gidsy – or at least: former Gidsy now – and Oliver Bronner ( @Stylemarks ), founder of
Edial Dekker
Edial Dekker
Tip 9: “Ship fast!” – Edial
Don't make the mistake of waiting endlessly to go live with your product. "At Gidsy we discovered that the first 90% of product development costs just as much time and effort as the last 10%." So be agile, and go live at that 90%. If necessary in beta or as a soft launch. Listen to your users and use that input immediately in further development. Because no matter how well you have thought of and tested everything, the reality of users in 'real life' is always very different from what you expected.
After launch, you will change your product tunisia phone data endlessly and often radically. It would be a shame if you waited so long to get that last 10% perfect, only to find out that everything needs to be changed again. Go live, as soon as possible, and set up your team to adjust and improve your product incrementally and thus make it a success. Your product is never really 'finished'. So " Ship now, rather than later ."
oliver bronner
Oliver Bronner
Tip 10: “Don't ship too soon!” – Oliver
Don't go live too soon. After all, you only have one chance to get acquainted, to gain traction, to win an audience. First impressions are everything . Make sure your product works, that everything is right, that there are no annoying bugs or ambiguities. Launch the product that you fully support. After all, bad reviews of your product will remain online forever and are difficult to refute, especially when you are still small and starting out.
“ Ship only when your product is ready to face a stor.