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How to Do Affiliate Marketing Using SEO Knowledge?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 9:07 am
by ahbappy250
In Italy, in recent months, the topic of affiliate marketing has become increasingly present: in this article you will find some useful information to earn with affiliations by exploiting your SEO knowledge. For years, on , I have been providing advice and information on the topic of "Working and earning online" (which is also the pay off of monetizzando). Two of the most substantial categories of the site are in fact those related to the topics of earning online and affiliate marketing .

Today it often happens that when we talk about affiliations and affiliate marketing, we first think of purchasing traffic from Facebook or other traffic sources and diverting it directly to affiliate campaigns, essentially doing "arbitrage" between the payout that a performance campaign (in affiliation) pays us and the price that we pay to obtain that specific traffic.

In reality, however, there are many people who prefer malta phone number to invest in SEO (and perhaps in link building ) to better position their content (often advertorials, i.e. pages created specifically to tell the story of a person who has used a product/service) and earn money with affiliate marketing.

This is exactly what I want to talk to you about today.

Affiliates: How to be effective?
Affiliates: How to be effective?
Over the years I have seen hundreds and hundreds of sites that have tried to earn money with affiliations, and many people have simply taken the wrong approach to affiliate marketing: when you want to earn money with affiliate marketing, in fact, it is not enough to insert a banner on your website and wait for someone to perform the requested action (usually buying a product or downloading an app, signing up to a site, ...), you have to intercept the user's need and provide a practical solution.

This is why many fail and think that earning with affiliations is practically impossible. Having said this, let's try to proceed step by step.