The Importance of Keyword Analysis: Ideas for Doing It Using SEMrush and SuggestMrx

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The Importance of Keyword Analysis: Ideas for Doing It Using SEMrush and SuggestMrx

Post by ahbappy250 »

If I had to give you a recipe for using this tool I would say:
Identify a main keyword to position yourself in Google
Do the “full” analysis
Extract the keywords and discard all the OT (out of context) ones
Evaluate terms on AdWords Keyword Tool
It is important to underline one thing: this type of analysis is based on correlations that are strongly “literary”, that is, linked to the root of the word. Usually the results exclude: related words and synonyms.

Suggest and the Bug problem
For months now, there has been a curious bug in the latvia phone number search engine’s suggester: practically any word containing “woman” or “women” will not produce suggestions.

The most likely hypothesis is that this happens because someone has mistakenly inserted the terms woman/women in the "adult" blacklist. In fact, Suggest will NOT return results dedicated to the adult audience.

Suggest and the Bug problem

Suggest and the Bug problem
Of course the bug also propagates to SuggestMrx, but we can always use Bing and get:
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