Feedback word and mouse symbol

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Feedback word and mouse symbol

Post by arzina221 »

It starts with awareness and making the customer values ​​your own by translating them into desired behavior that fits the identity of your organization. The next step is the zero measurement, which you perform both internally and externally and consists of two parts:

What score do employees and customers give when you ask them how much effort they generally have to put in to get something done in the organization (the customer effort score)?
To what extent do employees feel that the organization as a whole exhibits the desired behavior (defined per customer value)? And what do customers think about this?
Desire to improve

Photo courtesy of Fotolia

The results of the zero measurement not only provide a total figure for the customer effort score, but also provide direct insight into the opportunities for improvement via the customer values. The scores can also be divided into 'the image that employees have' and 'the image that customers have'. The awareness that there can be a (large) india phone data difference in this gives employees an extra boost to immediately implement improvement actions.

Don't let this momentum of 'improvement lust' get lost. Before you start, set up a good structure to actually start working on these improvements (this is a continuous improvement process that never stops). Keep measuring progress repeatedly - to keep the process from slacking off. Make (completed) improvement actions visible, reward initiatives and share successes. In this way, you gradually remove the thresholds that customers and employees experience in your organization and ultimately make the difference.

The key to performance
Customer values ​​suit us all and are timeless. If you are aware of this as an organization, you can positively influence them. Then the interest of the customer also becomes the interest of your organization. That is where the key to performance lies. And then those high CSAT, NPS and CES scores will follow automatically.
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