First of all, have you ever noticed that after visiting a product page on online stores, the item starts to appear several times on other websites? Just go to social networks, news portals, blogs, check your email and there is an advertisement for the product you just saw, in other words, remarketing .
This strategy is well known as remarketing for e-commerce . The goal of this tactic is to re-impact consumers who have already shown interest in the products. This way, it is possible to regain the customer's attention, reduce the number of abandoned carts and increase sales .
Did you like the idea and want to know more about how the strategy works? We explain everything in this article. Check it out!
What is remarketing?
Basically, remarketing is a digital marketing strategy that aims to impact the consumer again. In practice, it’s as if you were marketing again — hence the prefix “re” — to the same person, you know?
Think about it: since the user has already shown interest in the product or service — by accessing the item’s page or adding it to the cart — it makes sense to make efforts to attract them back, right? In fact, showing ads and content to this same consumer again is a way to encourage them to complete the purchase.
In fact, in general, all the work is done automatically based on the segmentation settings. In this context, information such as products searched, user purchase profile, items added to the cart, stage of the journey where the consumer is, among others, is used.
Remarketing vs. Retargeting
These concepts cause a lot of confusion because they are very similar. But we will explain them in a very simplified way to make it easier to understand.
Remarketing is a macro strategy that encompasses all actions to impact the same customer again. This can be done via email, SMS, phone, and ads.
Think about the meaning of marketing, for example. This is an umbrella term that encompasses several tactics, right? This package includes branding, promotions, offline advertising, digital marketing, content marketing, and so on.
On the other hand, retargeting is a kind of subcategory within remarketing that only concerns paid media. In other words, when an advertisement is displayed on social media through Google Ads , for example, we call it retargeting.
On the other hand, when the brand sends a cart dubai business fax list recovery email to engage the consumer, the strategy is known as remarketing. In any case, both actions are part of the macro remarketing strategy , as it aims to impact the same consumer again, understand?
Worth reading: Everything about digital marketing and tips for your brand .
What are the advantages of remarketing for e-commerce?
One thing is for sure: not every consumer who browses an e-commerce site will buy something. According to data from Google , only 3% of Internet users complete the checkout process on their first visit. In other words, the overwhelming majority (97%) leave the page without buying anything.
Remarketing comes into play in this context to help consumers move through the sales funnel until they complete their purchase. Below, we’ll explain in more detail the benefits of this strategy for e-commerce. Check it out!
Sales growth
This is the most interesting benefit for e-commerce. With remarketing, the customer is impacted at various times with the product they had shown interest in. Therefore, ads are great for keeping the brand in the consumer's mind, fueling the desire to consume and, consequently, selling.
The strategy is also useful for increasing the repurchase rate and applying cross-selling and upselling techniques. If a consumer buys an office desk, for example, it is worth displaying ads for ergonomic chairs to complement the experience. The company profits from the increased revenue.
Read also: How to achieve high performance in e-commerce sales .
CAC Reduction
First of all, CAC stands for Customer Acquisition Cost. In practice, the metric shows the amount the company had to spend to acquire each consumer. In fact, the lower this price, the better it is for the company, you see?
In this context, remarketing is interesting because it optimizes attraction efforts, since it impacts a consumer who has already shown interest in the e-commerce products. That is, by taking advantage of the acquired customer to sell more, it is possible to reduce costs.
Worth reading: Which metrics help you achieve accurate results for your brand?
Increase LTV
Lifetime Value (LTV) refers to the value of a customer's lifetime. All the money a consumer has spent on your e-commerce site throughout their relationship with the brand is included in this package.
And since remarketing encourages frequent purchases, the consumer will spend more. The consequence can be seen in the increase in LTV.
Learn more: Everything about the art of customer loyalty.
Decrease in cart abandonments
As we mentioned above, not everyone who visits an e-commerce site completes a purchase straight away. In this sense, some users leave without taking any action, and others add products to their shopping cart but do not complete the purchase.
Remarketing comes into play in this context to impact the consumer again with that item they had previously shown interest in. So, it is a good way to recover sales from abandoned carts .
You can see that investing in remarketing is essential to increase your e-commerce sales, right? But the question that everyone wants to ask is: how can you achieve this, after all? That's what we're going to talk about next. Check it out!
How to increase e-commerce sales with remarketing?
First of all, it is worth mentioning that implementing a remarketing strategy requires specialized technologies. After all, how can you know that a certain consumer has visited your e-commerce site without tracking solutions — such as cookies? Difficult, don't you agree? In fact, Google Ads and Google Analytics provide this information.
In any case, it’s good to understand the mechanism to optimize actions. Below, we’ll give you some tips for creating good remarketing campaigns and selling more. Check it out!
Segment lists
Imagine a consumer who is part of that 3%, who enters an e-commerce site and completes the checkout on the first visit . It doesn't make sense to impact this customer again with the same product, does it? After all, it would be a waste of money.
Now think about offering women’s perfume to a customer who visited a men’s shoes page. That’s not a good idea either, do you agree?
Simply put, segmenting lists means grouping consumers with similar interests to increase sales potential.
The logic is simple: what you're going to send to a user who has just visited the e-commerce homepage, for example, needs to be different from the content for visitors who have added items to their cart, you know? In this context, it's worth making lists of:
who visited the e-commerce;
who visited an item in any category;
who visited the product page;
who added items to the cart.
See also: Discover how to extract more data from your e-commerce .
Apply cross selling and up selling techniques
First of all, cross selling is a cross-selling technique. The goal of the practice is to encourage the consumer to buy complementary items to the one initially purchased.
A customer who buys shampoo, for example, may be interested in conditioner. On the other hand, someone who buys a new smartphone may be interested in cases and screen protectors.
Did you understand the reasoning? In short, this consumption information is valuable for identifying new sales opportunities.
Upselling is a little different. Instead of encouraging the purchase of complementary items, the tactic is based on encouraging the consumer to exchange a product for another more complete one — and usually more expensive.
How about suggesting that a cell phone with 32GB of storage, for example, be exchanged for a 64GB option because of the better cost-benefit? In this context, you can simply use consumption data to impact the consumer with more complete options and bring them back to e-commerce.
Encourage repurchase
A cell phone, for example, has a useful life. After it “expires,” the consumer will need to buy another one. The same goes for the lifespan of a perfume, sunscreen, pet food, and so on.
Therefore, it is important to understand the usage cycle of your products to encourage replenishment. This way, you can approach the consumer at the most opportune moment to secure the sale.
Offer discounts
There are several reasons why consumers leave an e-commerce site without taking action. The user may not be ready to purchase, the product may not meet 100% of expectations, among others.
On the other hand, there are other reasons for cart abandonment. Expensive shipping, long delivery times, and a cheaper product elsewhere are some examples.
In any case, we cannot deny that consumers are price-sensitive. So, if possible, it is worth including discount coupons in remarketing campaigns to win back customers.
Fix usability flaws
High bounce rates cannot always be reversed with remarketing campaigns. After all, the reason for abandonment may be the lack of security on the website, disorganized information, complicated checkout , slow loading, among others. So, there is no point in impacting the customer again because the problem lies in the experience, you know?
Therefore, invest in tools to better understand user behavior on your page. In this context, it is interesting to know if the customer leaves the site on the home page, on the product page, during checkout, and so on. Once the problem is identified, it is essential to correct the errors to capture the customer's attention and sell more.
See also: Strategies that can help your e-commerce with user experience .
Invest in email marketing
Email is a great ally for remarketing because it is a channel for establishing communication with customers. Therefore, it is interesting to use the tool.
On this occasion, it is possible to offer discount coupons to the consumer to complete a purchase, send cart recovery messages, provide benefits on special dates, provide after-sales service , etc. In any case, it doesn't hurt to remember that it is important to personalize the deliveries, okay?
Provide good customer service
Remarketing doesn’t work miracles. If a consumer has a bad experience with a company’s customer service, they won’t do business with that company. It’s that simple!
Therefore, offer impeccable service, including on Reclame AQUI . After all, before making a decision, customers have the habit of checking the brand's reputation on the platform.
Dive deeper into the subject: The importance of customer service and tips for your brand .
Use mental triggers
Think about a consumer who is unsure whether it is worth making a purchase today. When they see the words “Hurry! Only 8 units left”, they tend to check out right away to take advantage of the opportunity, right?
This is the essence of mental triggers — brain stimuli to speed up the decision-making process. We have just mentioned a tactic that conveys the idea of scarcity, but there are also actions focused on urgency, reciprocity, authority, anticipation, affinity, among others.
In fact, one of the coolest triggers is social proof because it influences consumers in their purchasing decisions and increases the conversion rate. And reviews are excellent tools for generating social proof.
In practice, reviews and testimonials work as a seal of approval, you know? When you see reports from satisfied customers, for example, other customers are influenced to buy the item and have the same experience.
Find out more: Important mental triggers for your e-commerce.
Use Trustvox AR to engage your customer base
RA Trustvox is a platform that collects, audits and publishes true and verified reviews . And as we just mentioned, this is an important mental trigger for converting sales.
However, there is another interesting feature for remarketing: data. By using the tool in your e-commerce, you can have access to the consumer's entire history, such as:
purchased products;
average ticket;
purchase frequency;
grade given to the company;
grade given to the products.
With this information in hand, it is possible to identify opportunities and send messages to engage the customer base .
Imagine, for example, a consumer who has the habit of buying a certain product every two months. If he goes a quarter without making a new purchase, it's a good idea to get in touch to encourage him to repurchase, you know?
Finally, remarketing is a valuable strategy for bringing consumers back to your e-commerce site. However, to be successful with this tactic, it is important to invest in specialized technologies that collect useful data. RA Trustvox is a good solution because, in addition to gathering purchase information, it also provides data on the experience with reviews and ratings .
Did you like the idea and want to better understand how RA Trustvox works? Then, also check out the functions that help gain customer trust .