Getting the first customer is difficult. After the second and subsequent customers, they say that it is less so, although what is difficult is the effort to retain them and convince them to continue buying over time. To do this, it is important to avoid mistakes that lead to losing customers , which are often made in the company without realizing it and can be avoided.
Eight mistakes you should avoid to avoid losing customers
It is common for companies to carry out actions that result in the loss of customers. The most serious is not thinking about the customer , leaving aside their needs and putting the business's own interests first. Solving customer problems is key to awakening their interest in buying the company's products and services and, the most difficult thing is to ensure that this interest remains over time .
This is achieved with good products but also insurance email list with good service. The augmented product is what today's customer perceives and values, which is why factors such as punctuality in delivery are as important as product quality. It is a question of expectations.
These expectations are also important when presenting the company to society. The image of the business must be in line with what it actually offers to the customer, trying to find a balance between both variables, to generate realistic expectations in customers and not disappoint them when they come to buy. The company must be attractive but not at any price.
To do this, it is important to invest in training people , one of the basic pillars to avoid losing customers. A trained worker who feels valued in the company will be responsible for ensuring the good of the business, that is, taking care of the customers and continually seeking solutions to satisfy their needs. When a person does not feel valued or is not prepared to serve the business, it will be difficult for them to make the business their own and/or be able to pull the cart in a good direction, which, sooner or later, will end up having consequences for the customers.
A good leader helps people work together in a coordinated manner, seeking a common goal . It is not about imposing orders and setting rigid criteria, but about fostering an optimal work culture that helps retain customers over time.