SaaS: How to convert demo users?

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SaaS: How to convert demo users?

Post by bitheerani22010 »

One of the most common advertising tools in SaaS is a free demo. 30 days or 15 days of free product is usually enough to know if your product is useful and it gives a lot of confidence to the customer to know what they are buying before paying for it.

But a 30-day demo is an expense. Perhaps a small one, but an expense nonetheless.

Let's see it with an analogy

When a cheese factory puts free cheese samples in a supermarket, it belgium phone number library money. Not much, and it pays for itself (or that's the idea), but it costs money. And every piece of cheese eaten by a person who decides not to buy the product is a piece of cheese lost.


In SaaS, the same thing happens with a customer who has used your demo and has not bought the product, but there is a difference: unlike with cheese in the supermarket, where the customer eats a piece of cheese, thanks the clerk and leaves never to return, in order to use your demo you have been provided with a way to contact the customer.

And this is the key:

Unlike cheese, which is for instant enjoyment, your demo is used over a period of time, typically a week to 30 days. So talk to the customer. Tell them, before they leave, before they finish eating your cheese, to think about it. How?

Tell him how he will benefit
Tell them about a success story from your clients. Tell them how much money a client has made thanks to you. Or, if your company doesn't offer a service that can be directly translated into money, tell them that your client has saved so much time thanks to you, or that they have done something much more easily or have managed to open up to so many markets or…

The customer doesn't care what you are or what you do. The customer cares about how you're going to benefit them. In other words, they care about your value proposition .

Tell him how you have benefited others and how it will be profitable for him to pay you money.

Make it easy for him to access you
Many times we want to approach someone but we don't dare. To ask for directions, to find out where they bought a product, for anything, from flirting to chatting without any specific objective. It can even be difficult to ask, for example, the time.
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