How to use Rich Snippets to increase traffic and conversions?

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How to use Rich Snippets to increase traffic and conversions?

Post by ayshakhatun663 »

Rich Snippets are one of the many ways Google offers us to better position our websites. Learn how to take advantage of them.

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Increasing web traffic is essential architect phone number data to increasing the conversion rate. Fortunately, we have many ways to achieve this organically and one of them is by taking advantage of Rich Snippets or structured data . But what are they and how to use rich snippets?

I spoke about this topic at the recent Inbound Growth Hacks event, where I participated alongside experts from Impulse and companies such as HubSpot, Sales Hackers, Taxfyle, Porter and uDocz, presenting the best SEO practices to increase traffic and conversions.


Rich Snippets and their relationship with SEO

First of all, we must be aware of the importance of applying SEO to our websites. An optimized website will have:

Greater reach and organic traffic
Higher organic conversion
Higher conversion rate when coming from organic channels
Better positioning for interesting keywords
Reduced SEM cost

And how does SEO work? In Google's case, it works through a process in which its robots crawl websites and all the pages within them. After this, they index them, place them in a catalog and position them for different keywords .

When it comes to Google positioning, there are many actions we can take to increase organic positioning, but today, among all of these, we are going to talk about Google Rich Snippets or structured data .

Rich Snippets: What is it?

When we talk about rich snippets, we refer to the information or data that is shown to users as a preview of what can be found on a website in response to a search performed on Google . These contents appear as highlighted information in the search results and serve to improve both the user experience and the positioning of the website.

Rich Snippet Examples

Let's do a test. If you type the word “fullcommerce” into Google's search engine, either on mobile or desktop, the Impulse blog page will appear as structured data.

example of rich snippets

As we can see, this result contains 3 images and is the structured data of an article. The important thing about this is that it generates much more visibility, more opportunity for clicks, it is more eye-catching and it is completely organic.

According to Google developers, the search they perform “ is a big effort to understand the content of a page. You can help us by including structured data on the page to give Google explicit clues about its meaning. Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying its content .”

Basically, Google is telling us that structured data will help us crawl the page better, and if it crawls better, it will be indexed better. And if it is indexed better, it will have a better position.

Features of Rich Snippets

Why is it important to take advantage of Rich Snippets? First, you can jump positions. For example, let's say a website can rank for a certain keyword in position 8, but because it has Rich Snippets, it appears much higher.

On the other hand, in addition to being easy to use and completely organic, they adapt to different content formats , such as articles, frequently asked questions, products, events, videos, logos, etc.

Another important thing is that they increase the CTR or click rate ; that is, the relationship between clicks and the number of times we are seen in Google search results. But, the most important thing is that they work. In the last 3 months alone, one of our clients generated more than 58,000 clicks with Rich Snippets, only organically.

increase conversion rate google rich snippets

How to use Rich Snippets?

There are many ways to use structured data. However, keep in mind that JSON-LD is a Rich Snippet tool recommended by Google and is basically a javascript annotation.

Here we will teach you how to use it step by step for a blog article.
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