The power of storytelling in B2B brands

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The power of storytelling in B2B brands

Post by shuklamojumder093 »

Who doesn't like stories? We live surrounded by stories, our life is a daily story. Brands have realized the potential that these stories have and use them to captivate their consumers with the well-known storytelling , but what is it and why does it work so well? You will find all your answers throughout this post.

What is storytelling?
Storytelling is the art of telling stories that awaken emotions in those who listen to them and connect with them.

But these stories must be true, not tall tales or made-up stories that have nothing to do with the reality of a brand. Stories are the medium through which the world has communicated for centuries and through which we have built our reality.

Our brand and everything it represents must tell a story, including our website and its content, to reinforce each other. Storytelling has become a fundamental element of a brand's architecture, stories that connect the company's values ​​with the interests and ideals of the public . These stories must be persuasive, entertaining, relevant and different from the others, even integrating elements that lead the public to reflect.

How to do storytelling?
As we have already mentioned, storytelling is an art. We must be cautious, since not just any type of story will do, as it can turn against you and turn an action that was supposed to be positive for your brand into a negative one. Below, we present four key points that you should keep in mind to carry out a successful storytelling campaign.

1. The most important thing is your audience
Before you start creating a story for your brand, think not so much about your brand as about the audience you want to reach. What do they like? What are they looking for? Why do they know you? What are vp design officers email lists their interests? ... Only if you understand your audience will you be able to awaken feelings and emotions with your story, whether positive or negative.


2. Make him feel
The purpose of storytelling is to make the audience excited, laugh, cry, get angry... to feel emotions because in this way the brand will be remembered.

The most emotional campaigns are those that remain in the minds of the audience, but also the most controversial. We leave it up to you to decide what type of storytelling campaign you want to carry out.

3. Define the perception you want people to have of your brand
How do you want your audience to see you? It is important to establish what image you want to present of your brand , that is, a brand that is affordable for everyone, an exclusive brand, only for men, only for women… Only you have the power to decide how you want others to see you.

4. Story approach
Once you have the above points clear, it is time to start shaping your story . Find a theme, a middle and an ending. We recommend that you answer the following questions to more easily find the most suitable story for your brand.

What products or services do you want to sell?

Do you want to make a funny, awareness-raising, or sad story?

Where will it happen?

In what era?

Who will star in it?

How long will it last?

What do you intend to convey?

Another key factor to take into account is the characters. To create them, you can analyze your Buyer Persona, in this way, create a protagonist in line with this, and therefore, the audience can identify with them.

Without a doubt, one of the goals you should pursue with storytelling is to captivate your audience. But how? Keep reading and we'll explain!
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