Remove any accidental or intentional blocking that Google can honduras telephone number data use to access these elements of your site. The Googlebot Fetch tool can show you which pages are blocked. The robots.txt file can prevent Google from fully rendering your page, which can lower your rankings. You can use it to stay away from duplicate content or to prevent your site’s search pages from popping up in SERPs.

While it’s hard to predict what a bot sees, you can go back to the URL Inspection tool to get a better idea. Optimize HTML tags. HTML tags can rank the main topic of a page, and Google relies on them to figure out the content structure. Title tags appear in search results to attract searchers, so it’s important to make them descriptive and specific. Irrelevant, vague title tags won’t meet Google’s expectations, so focus on keeping them accurate and comprehensive.
Write original meta descriptions. Summary below the URL in Google search results — It also gives Google users a sample of your content. If they see an engaging meta description, they’re more likely to click on your result, increasing your click-through rates. Follow the same rules you follow with title tags, and include a snippet of what they’ll see on your page. meta description example In your content, heading tags H and H are useful for outlining sections and guiding Googlebot and readers through the flow of a blog or article.