Semantic SEO Friendly Article

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Semantic SEO Friendly Article

Post by mdsojolh634 »

Semantic SEO Compatible article is a technology that we have been hearing about for 1-2 years and we are trying to make improvements accordingly. In the past, when we said “SEO compatible content”, very different ideas were born. Now the structure has changed. LSI, or Semantic SEO compatible content, contains fundamental differences from standard SEO compatible content.

What is Semantic SEO?
Semantic SEO refers to the optimization work done to better understand a web page by using tags, texts and links that determine the meaning of the web page. Semantic SEO takes into account the special algorithms that search engines use to help understand web pages. These algorithms examine tags such as keywords and subject headings to help better understand the content of the web page. Semantic SEO ensures that search results are more meaningful and accurate, which in turn allows search engines to rank them higher.


What are the differences between Semantic SEO and Traditional SEO?
The most important difference between traditional SEO and pakistan telephone number data semantic SEO is that traditional SEO focuses on keyword frequency, while semantic SEO focuses on meaning and topics. Therefore, semantic SEO helps search engines understand web pages better and gives more meaningful search results.

What Should We Pay Attention to When Entering SEO Compatible Articles?
After the H1, H2, H3 layouts, which generally contain the keywords (we think there is no need to mention them again and again);

First of all, we should include our keyword in the title of the article we write. In the first part of the content, we should mention our keyword, make an introduction about it and move on to the development section. The point we need to pay attention to here is that we do not want to prefer semantic structure in the title, we will diversify it within the subject, instead of “ How to Write SEO-Compatible Article ”, titles like “ SEO-Compatible Article Trends in 2017 ” can be used just to maintain originality in the title.
In the development section, while conveying the details of the content to the visitor, we should also use terms related to the subject. If we are preparing a content about the word "Tea", if we include words like "Black Sea, Rize and Tea Cultivation" in our text, this will provide an advantage for us in terms of SEO. In this way, we include words that are strongly connected to each other in our content and place our main word in the center of them. This situation provides us with an advantage in the search query related to our main word or words. (LSI)
Including sentences that include the title of our article or our keywords in the last paragraphs of the content increases the density of our keywords and emphasizes our title and keywords a few more times. (Without exaggerating)

Tips for SEO Friendly Content
The keyword must be included in the link.
The keyword should be used in the title.
Avoid very long titles


We must pay attention to spelling rules in the content.
Keywords and sub-keywords should be used in tags. Unnecessary tagging should be avoided.
The keyword ratio in the content should be adjusted well. The density should be in your keyword.
To emphasize keywords and sentences related to keywords, “bold”, “italic” and “underline” effects should be applied without overdoing it. (It does not have as much effect as before, it can be made bold without exaggerating, and other variations can be used here and there)
According to Google research, quality content consists of at least 300 words.
When writing content, topics that will arouse the visitor's curiosity should be addressed. If the visitor spends a long time on the content, it signals to Google that the visitor is spending time on the site due to the useful content. (Especially in the first paragraph)
Image optimization should also be taken into consideration. An alternative text that indicates what the image is about should be written in the "ALT" tag without being duplicated. 2-4 words will be sufficient.
It is also important that the image used is not too large, that it attracts the visitor's attention and is appropriate for the subject.
If used, the description written in the meta description section must be original and not exceed 160 characters.
When finishing the text, a sentence that attracts the user to interact can be used, such as “Share it so your friends know about it”, “Comment on the subject and we will publish your comment”, etc. can be used as a call to action structure.
In the text content, in accordance with the semantic structure, synonyms of the keywords, sometimes antonyms, information about the subject the keyword is related to, side keywords and variations. EXAMPLE: If there is a keyword related to web design, variations of the keyword such as web interface design, web design, web design, web development, internet site design should be sprinkled.
Finding Semantic Similarities of a Word
There are many ways to do this, every SEO expert can develop their own methods, we at Clicks'us will give you one, the simplest one. Google already gives us similar words. For example, under any search, "We wrote an SEO compatible article" in Google, the results are;
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