The best chatbot platforms for businesses will analyze customer insights, such as which products have the most user queries, which services generate the most support requests, customer satisfaction levels, or direct customer feedback.
The direct customer insights gained by enterprise chatbots, combined with their integration with your company's other performance metrics and business data, means they offer a streamlined and accurate view of what your customers like, want and expect.
Although it is not usually its direct goal, a business chatbot provides valuable information about your customers. If improving customer engagement with data is on your radar, obtaining customer insights from a chatbot is a straightforward method of data collection.
How to guarantee a safe implementation of the chatbot in the company
illustration of 5 people in front of a city south korea mobile phone number skyline with profiles floating above each of them.
Those resistant to the AI wave often cite security as the reason for their doubts.
Since artificial intelligence has not been widely used commercially until recent years, there have been many poorly managed implementations.
Decision makers should be especially cautious when deploying enterprise chatbots that process personal data, such as last names, passwords, or credit card information.
Synchronized systems
Enterprise chatbot platforms will provide security rules that safeguard how your chatbot uses sensitive information, as well as the type of information it can dispense.
When a chatbot is synchronized with internal data, it is able to provide accurate responses to questions. And when security systems are integrated into the platform, the chatbot cannot use information outside its scope of use.
You can learn more about the botpress security suite here.
How to create a business chatbot
illustration of robot appearing as human through a phone screen on red background.
Step 1: Choose a platform
We have seen many companies that have decided to create their own chatbot from scratch. It can be an attractive option: full rein, guaranteed security, no monthly subscription fee. But few undertake this path for long.
Building from scratch takes a lot of time and work, and guarantees that your chatbot will take much longer or be of much lower quality.
When choosing a platform, consider your company's specific needs. If you want a platform that does not limit the possibilities of your chatbot, look for a chatbot platform for companies that has open standards and an extensible stack.
If you are most concerned about data privacy, look for a platform with high security standards. If you have a team of beginning developers, look for a platform with an easy-to-use interface.
If you need some inspiration, you can check out our list of the 9 best chatbot platforms. And if you are interested in receiving a call tomorrow, you can contact our sales team.