Is it possible to have a job as a blogger in Portugal?

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Is it possible to have a job as a blogger in Portugal?

Post by Raihanseo120 »

15 October, 2014 @ 2:43 pmby Eduardo Aranhain Digital Strategy Success Stories , Digital Strategy2 Comments
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It doesn't matter what the topic is: current affairs, fashion, cooking or lifestyle. You can write about almost anything on a blog . Just turn on your computer, go online, choose a content management system and put whatever's on your mind on the screen. You're the one who sets the rules.

In addition to being a cost-free activity, blogging has also become a profitable activity. For some people, blogging is even seen as a profitable, full-time job that can be done from anywhere in the world.

At least, this is the trend confirmed by the results of the latest Blogosphere study , carried out in 2011 by Technorati . According to this x-ray of the world of blogs, 18% of bloggers live partly or entirely off the income from their blog.

But is it possible to have a job as a blogger in Portugal? We present 4 success spain email list stories of national bloggers who decided to take the plunge and live exclusively from the profits of their personal spaces on the web.

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Blogger: The sweetest popcorn
Her name is Ana Garcia Martins, but in the blog world – and even abroad – everyone knows her as A Pipoca Mais Doce . Online since 2004, she currently works full-time for her blog. The idea of ​​creating her own space came from the need to write about what she liked. Even though she worked as a journalist, the newspaper's editorial lines limited her opinion.


In the space of ten years, the blog and opinions of A Pipoca Mais Doce have become a brand that includes a line of nail polishes, jewellery, t-shirts and other products, including two books. All the success, which has been recorded little by little, has culminated in the decision to say goodbye to Time Out magazine to dedicate herself solely to the blog. She has no regrets: she can do what she loves and earn money from it.

Where does the money come from? The bulk of her income comes from advertising. She is contacted by several brands and forms partnerships with those she identifies with, as she has a policy of not publishing anything she doesn't like.

Blogger: Mini-skirt
Mónica Lice has dedicated time to her blog since 2009. On Mini-Saia , you can find the most varied types of publications about fashion and styling.

However, to get to where she is today, Mónica has had a long journey. Her story begins in February 2006: she was teaching at the Faculty of Law in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau. When she had internet access at home, she started following a friend's blog that focused on African reality and, therefore, thought: why not create an online magazine about fashion and beauty?

Her return to Portugal in 2008 marked a new stage in the project, which would take another year to go online. Mónica wanted to know what she was going to write about and took a risk: she took a styling course, another in image consultancy and, feeling ready, she opened Mini-Saia , dedicated to all women.

Although it was difficult to depend financially on Mini-Saia in 2008 , Mónica maintained her hope of generating profit and established partnerships with brands. The idea worked. Advertising banners and some paid content are still the main revenue generators today.

Blogger: Carlota's Blog
Fernanda Velez only believed in the success of her blog when the clothes she photographed her daughter in started to sell out in stores. Now in its third year, Blog da Carlota is already in the ranking of the 30 most visited blogs on Blogómetro.

The idea of ​​creating this space came to her when her daughter, Carlota, was 4 months old. Since she was often asked about the clothes she wore with little Carlota, she decided to start a blog to showcase her daughter's looks. It was an undeniable success. In the space of fifteen days, it had 700 visitors and, by the end of the first month, there were already 3,000 visitors.

The clothing brands that appeared on Carlota's Blog were also successful . Upon noticing this trend, Fernanda decided to go further and started organizing the Mercadito da Carlota , sponsored by Seat. The aim would be to promote clothing brands.

Today, being a professional blogger is Fernanda Velez's job. With a degree in Marketing, she left her job to take care of her daughter during the first years of her life and found the key to generating profit.

Blogger: The Lisbon Tailor
Although he does not consider himself a professional blogger , José Cabral lives off a project that was born almost 6 years ago. Inspired by blogs such as Facehunter , The Sartorialist and Still in Berlin , he risked leaving BES to start O Alfaiate Lisboeta .

The idea of ​​writing and publishing portraits of people he met on the street really interested him. It was an innovative concept that could easily be applied to the streets of Lisbon and be a success. And it proved to be a success. In fact, in addition to the blog , José Cabral began to collaborate with the Metro newspaper , Vogue online and Expresso magazine , in addition to seeing his photographs published internationally.


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