3 Tips for Taking Back Control of Your Career Success By Sarah Marcello

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3 Tips for Taking Back Control of Your Career Success By Sarah Marcello

Post by Joyzfsddt66 »

It isn’t my fault! “They” have passed me over for a promotion. “They” are going to make me redundant. “They” are stopping me from doing what I love most… It could be “my boss”, or “the organisation”, or it could be a co-worker or even a family member. Sometimes, the words will vary slightly depending on the situation, but the issue is almost always the same. It is always the proverbial “they…” isn’t it?

The most important point in this post may not be that these statements are largely untrue and that they are not fact. More importantly, as human beings we react to change in similar ways, and therefore each of these statements are more of an indicator of your own state of mind. And this state of mind is the very thing that is stopping you from achieving the career success you want and you deserve. This phenomenon isn’t new, and it is the biggest barrier to your career success.

I have set out three key elements that you need to concentrate on before you hong kong whatsapp phone number even consider rewriting that CV and applying to every job advertisement you can find. These are:

• Why your lack of career success is no-one’s fault but your own

• What can you control and influence even when decisions have already been made?

• Freeing your mind, getting out of your comfort zone and getting ready to set some career goals

Controversial? Possibly.

Do I believe that you can change your career by changing your mindset? Yes, I do. Because I have done this myself in the past, and I am in the process of reinventing myself again.

Why your lack of career success is no-one’s fault but your own.

I have lost count of the number of times I have heard these words as a coach, and each time the person I am coaching genuinely believes that this is the truth. The most commonly heard phrases that career advisors, coaches or recruiters are likely to hear when meeting with someone who isn’t where they want to be are usually variations on the same theme.
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