Who says that hiring managers want better communication

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Who says that hiring managers want better communication

Post by Joyzfsddt66 »

Your relationship with hiring managers is another area to review for potentially easy ways to improve your recruiting success. In an interview, Bethan Davis, Head of Recruitment Europe & Asia Pac for RMS, outlines how her team’s strong partnerships with hiring managers enable them to be more effective as they better understand what talent they need. She says they also found that reminding Hiring Managers of what it’s like to be a candidate, increased their involvement in the process leading to a better candidate experience and, in turn, more placements.

This is reiterated by Eyal Steiner with recruiters as it enables them to provide better belgium whatsapp phone number job descriptions and requirements, which can only help you to find suitable talent more easily.

In his article, Eyal actually calls out the temptation to turn to technology as a ‘quick fix’ before truly understanding where your current recruitment practices fall short;

“Nowadays, whenever something does not work properly, we immediately look for a technological solution. The promise of tools that can streamline our entire hiring process and foster collaboration between candidates, hiring managers, and recruiters, is captivating, but often makes us forget the real reasons behind our challenges.”

Job Adverts

Both Hertz and RMS have made simple improvements to their job adverts by implementing video. RMS say this has helped to give people a better understanding of the role and company whilst Hertz have taken this approach as “a form of self-elimination on the candidates part.” With text jobs ads they were finding many candidates weren’t bothering to read all the details so they were getting more irrelevant applications and candidates were left wondering why they weren’t successful. Both companies are producing these video job adverts using smart phones with the recruiter or hiring manager spending a few minutes just talking through the key details of the position, so no significant outlay of time or budget. At Jobviddy, we’re obviously huge advocates of the benefits of video job descriptions and we create these for companies using their pre-existing assets so that it doesn’t become a time consuming or expensive process.
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