Google's algorithm has changed its rules several times since 1997, giving a hard time to those who over the years wanted to climb the SERPs to conquer the top positions for specific search queries. But, yesterday as today, to not lose even a click, you need to know this algorithm and all Google updates perfectly, to survive and above all to recognize when a penalty arrives.
In this article, without claiming to be exhaustive on the subject, I will tell you about my experience with Google penalties .
Google's First Algorithm: When SEO Was Child's Play
I started working in the SEO field in the early 2000s (two years after the founding of Google Inc. in 1998). In those first 2-3 years, to do SEO and optimize your site, you only needed to apply portugal phone number a few precautions : I even wrote it in the title, it was child's play! The most concrete difficulty was to learn more about the few rules that made up Google's algorithm. There were few websites in the sector and the real complexity was finding useful information online. There were no courses, no guides and there were far fewer SEOs!
In the 2000s, those who worked online did so mainly based on their own experience, processing the data they collected and evolving their skills based on the results obtained (or results NOT achieved). Everyone had their own point of view and developed their own theories on the Google algorithm. There was no SEO community as we can say there is today.
Google's Algorithm in the 2000s
How did a site position itself at the beginning of the new millennium?
Google's Algorithm in the 2000s
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