Are Stories for my audience? Creating and editing content for Instagram Stories in B2B

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Are Stories for my audience? Creating and editing content for Instagram Stories in B2B

Post by simaseo1056 »

Instagram has become an indispensable platform for connecting with our audience in real time and in a visual way. Here are the keys and examples for using the Stories format in your B2B strategy.


Are Instagram Stories for my audience?
B2B examples of using Stories on Instagram
7 Tips for Creating and Editing Content on Instagram Stories
Creating and editing content for Instagram Stories has become key to any marketing strategy, especially with the popularity that social networks like Facebook and Instagram have gained. Both platforms have become indispensable for connecting with audiences in real time and in an educational, entertaining, informative and visual way.

That’s why we’re going to dedicate this post entirely to talking about creating and editing content for Instagram Stories . What are Instagram Stories? It’s a new way to tell stories and interact with our target audience or buyer personas by sharing quality “perishable” content.

They are characterized by being full of creativity, by combining different formats and, above all, by attracting the attention of a user who is increasingly looking for short, direct and immediate content formats. These stories are not forever. Their essence is that they have duration and expiration. Photos last 5 seconds and videos 15, and in both cases they expire after 24 hours online.

On Instagram you can share stories and, in this way, connect with your audience in a fun and educational way.

Let's take a look at some history... how did Instagram stories come about? It all started with Snapchat in 2012. The social network with the yellow icon was the first to innovate with content that expired after 24 hours online. Four years later, in 2016, stories burst onto Instagram and took it by storm. According to figures from Statista , in 2018 Instagram already had one billion active users each month and in 2019 more than 500 million used the platform daily. In fact, since March 2018, the use of Instagram Stories has increased by 21%.

Are Instagram Stories for my audience?
Social media is here to stay and marketing executives have had to learn to live with it and take advantage of it. Many companies and brands have asked themselves the question: Are Instagram Stories for my audience? And the answer they have come to is YES. Although Instagram is characterized by being an application used mainly by young people between 18 and 35 years old, it is gaining more and more followers every day. That is why there are already 33% of B2B companies that are present on Instagram.

Many B2B brands have begun to use Stories not only as a format to promote products and services, but also as a means of entertainment, closer, more immediate and that through content capsules offers value to their audiences . The result in terms of interaction is more than interesting when compared to other content formats on social networks.

Some figures compiled by …

15% – 25% of Instagram Stories users swipe up to follow a link and engage directly with a brand’s website.
24% of businesses confirm that Instagram stories are a successful format.
88% of businesses say they want to increase the frequency of Instagram Stories posting.
30% of Paid's plan and budget consists of ads through Instagram Stories.
In addition, Instagram will provide you with a lot of metrics that you can use to benefit your business. The social network has its own analysis tool offering data that will help you make decisions and reorient your content if it is not having the desired effect. In one of our webinars with Angela Villarejo and Lorena Garcia we talked about the opportunities in the B2B Marketing strategy of Instagram in general.
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